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Accusations J/C Fanfiction by Lynn Janeway


J/C Fanfic
by Lynn Janeway
SD 99081.0


Kathryn and Chakotay have renewed their relationship since new earth and plan to have dinner in the Holodeck when Q interrupts and caused more trouble than he’s worth.


Kathryn smiled peacefully as she walked silently down the beach watching the sunset of the Alpha planet Tari V. She had been there once as a child on vacation and remembered everything. Creating a beautiful and almost exact replica of the place she now walked though the re-incarnated Tari.

Chakotay rushed around the Mess Hall looking for the last few items for his sunset dinner with Kathryn. “Quick, Neelix I'm late, where’s that Carin Wine I stored yesterday!?” he asked gathering different items that he had on his menu.

“Right there Commander” he said pointing to the island

Grabbing the bottle he began to rush out the Mess Hall doors when Neelix called to him,
“Commander, your strawberry pie!” Rushing back, Chakotay gently took it and placed it neatly in the basket and once again took off toward the Holodeck.

Kathryn stopped mid step when she saw a flash appear in front of her,
“Kathy, how sweet of you to dress so elegant for my coming” he said

“What do you want Q” she growled as she turned and began to walk the opposite way.

“Well, what I want.. is you” he said with a mischievous smile. Kathryn stopped and looked at him, she laughed, “You’ve got to be kidding, we’ve already been through this. I don’t want you Q” she continued to walked when he appeared in front of her again. Seizing her arms, she looked shocked at him, all she could think of was ‘No..’

“Let go of me” she demanded her expression changing to anger. Pulling her into him, he kissed her, she pulled her head away in disgust, attempting to slap him with her hand it was stopped by Q’s strong grip. She was pushed to the ground and Q landed on top of her “Q, Stop!” she demanded, lifting her knee quickly. Q groaned in pain and fell to the side. Kathryn scrambled up and began to run. But where was she going to go. She didn’t have her communicator and she was trapped in the Holodeck. Q bounded after her, snapped his fingers and appeared once more in front of her. Lifting her hand she slapped him hard across the face, “Enough!”

Seizing her again, he backhanded her back, sending her helplessly to the ground. She felt tears roll silently down her cheeks, as pain shot through her body. Q ripped her dress down the side.

Chakotay stood outside the Holodeck doors, quickly slipping off his shoes walked in
“Okay, Kathryn get ready for the best sunset dinner-” he stopped. He stood in horror watching.. who was that, Q?! all over her. He took a hesitated step forward, but stopped himself. ‘Maybe it was true, maybe she did rather be with Q...” he thought. He dropped the dinner contence and exited quickly. He ran down the corridor, back to his quarters.

The images of Q and her rolling on the sand still fresh in his mind. How could she? She had always told him she loved him, he always knew, and now this?

Kathryn managed to stop him before he did any real damage and took off down the beach again, grasping together her torn dress
“I’m tired of these games, Kathy, you will be mine” he called after her

“Computer, emergency transport, Sickbay.” As Q snapped once more to stop her from getting away she disappeared.

Kathryn stumbled to a sickbay bed nearby taking ahold of it. Out of breath and absolutely terrified she fell in a ball of tears. Q had chosen not to follow, chance or choice?

The Doctor rushed out of his office,
“Captain!,” he said helping her up “what happened?” Kathryn couldn’t manage a word through her tears but she tried. The Doctor by looking at her knew that it was some kind of struggle, but with whom he didn’t know “Who did this?” he asked concerned and worried.

After a few moments he managed to calm her and clean up the blood on her face. The Doctor kindly replicated a new uniform an sealed off Sickbay until she was dressed. He had never seen her so terrified. “So tell me what happened?” he asked again. All she could manage was “Q..” before she broke into tears again.

She had seen Chakotay come in the Holodeck but he left so quickly she didn’t have a chance to call to him. She wasn’t sure if he left to get help or he left because of what he thought Q and herself were doing...


The Doctor had cleaned her up and gave her something for the pain. The bruises had to be healed on her own...

She lay on her couch barefoot staring with streams of tears flowing down her cheeks. She wanted only one person at her side now, and that was Chakotay but she was afraid to contact him.

Chakotay sat angrily in his quarters, pacing the room with a half empty bottle in hand. Mumbling about Kathryn and every so often knocking or throwing something to the floor.

He slumped himself down on the couch and sat silently.
“All these years, and you lied to me!” he growled loudly, throwing the bottle against the door. He sighed deeply and ran his hands through his hair. All he could think about was her saying “I love you” and his “why’s?”


Chakotay had fallen asleep on the couch and woke with nothing but nightmares. Getting ready for the morning shift was a difficult task, and his hangover was not helping. He tidied himself up and did the best he could to not make a scene as he entered the bridge.

Calmly he entered and took his place silently beside her. He could feel her eyes on him, pleading for him to look at her, just once. But she turned away. He kept his angry expression and didn’t glance at her. He wanted her to know that he saw what happened.

Kathryn breathed deep holding in her tears. She knew know what Chakotay thought had happened. Kathryn stood and swiftly walked into her Ready Room. Breaking down, she let herself fall to the floor. The one man she had grown to love, truly love, hated her with all his soul because of his accusations.

The Bridge crew each took turns glancing at Chakotay causally. Tom didn’t turn, he knew better. But he looked at B’Elanna, tapping his console he relayed her bridge station a message,
‘What’s going on?’ she shrugged ‘Go see if the Captain’s all right’ she nodded and bit her bottom lip and walked to the Ready Room doors.
“Capt-” she began catching her friend quickly whiping her eyes while sitting on the floor. Kathryn was faced away from her, breathing deeply to try and re-gain her already lost Captain’s mask. “What’s wrong?” she continued.

Kathryn stood dusting off her uniform and sat down on her couch. Whiping her still flowing eyes she tried again to calm herself,
“Oh, B’Elanna.. I don’t know where to start” She felt awkward telling B’Elanna what happened, but she needed to tell someone, and Kathryn knew that B’Elanna of all people would understand.

B’Elanna was shocked as Kathryn began to pour her heart out telling her everything that happened. She had thought for sure she would say I’m fine and that would be the end of it. She had never seen her so vulnerable. She saw the bruise on her face, not noticeable enough to see on first glance, but still there. And her wrists...


Giving her a hug, she forced a smile and stood,
“I’ll talk to him, try and get him to tell me his side” Kathryn nodded to her as she exited and returned to her station.

Moments later Tom turned to her to get some info, but she said nothing. She knew him well enough that he’d tell Harry and Harry would tell someone else and before long the whole ship would know.. and that’s defiantly not what Kathryn needed.

She shook her head no and exited the Bridge to return to engineering. She was almost there when she heard the thud of footsteps running behind her. Looking back she saw Chakotay thudding down the corridor. Stopping she crossed her arms, and glared coldly at him,

“B’Elanna..” he called, slowing himself “Wh-” before he could start she slapped him hard across the face. He stood shocked, then anger filled his eyes, “B’Ela-”

“How could you possibly think that’s what happened!? We’re talking about the Captain, Kathryn, the woman who loves you so much that she’s risking her career just to have dinner with you. The woman who you have taken every ounce of hope that she had and slammed it back in her face, because you don’t want to listen!” she paused to take a breath “How dare you think that!”

Chakotay whiped the blood from his lip. His angry expression began to change as he listen to what B’Elanna was saying,

“You fool, how could you possibly think that, Q of all people was the one she wanted to be with?! She has a better chance with.. I don’t know the Doctor..” she drifted seeing that his feelings had changed. She softened her tone and continued “She loves you, everyone knows that, you know that better than anyone. She told me everything.. usually she does that to you. Doesn’t that tell you something?”

With realization he whiped his hands over his face,
“What have I done...”

“Now go back to the Bridge and talk to her!” she turned him around and began pushing him back the way he came. Before long he began to jog back and B’Elanna turned and headed once again to engineering.


Chakotay stood at her Ready Room door,
“Captain, may I talk to you for a moment?”

The doors swished open and he entered slowly, shutting behind him he called the computer to seal the doors. The room was dark, the only light was the whiz of passing stars. She sat on the couch, and pillow pulled up between her chin and knees. She held it so tightly she was shaking, and no longer crying with her eyes but with her heart. Looking at him with a devastated look on his face she decided that she better explain,

“Chakotay I-”

“Shh.. don’t say anything, you don’t have to...” he stood in front of her before sitting down and placing his hands on her knees. “I am so sorry..” he started. Silent tears had already begun to fall. “I don’t know what to say... all I know is that I made one hell of a mistake.” Tears stung his eyes.

She hesitated toward him. Reaching out he gently pulled her over to him, and whiped her tears. She sat beside him, with her legs over his lap. She looked into his eyes, and saw that fondness return. He smiled and brushed some loose hair behind her ear. She put her hand behind his neck and pulled him toward her.

Their lips gently brushed before she pulled away slightly shocked. Touching her lips she left something wet, looking at her fingers she saw blood then looked up at Chakotay, worried. He smiled,

“I’m all right, B’Elanna help me figure things out.” she returned his smile with a crooked grin and pulled him down to her again. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her into him.

“I forgive you..” he whispered



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