Caught J/C Fanfiction by Lynn Janeway
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J/C Fanfic
by Lynn Janeway
Rated G (no ‘content’)
SD 99080.9


Disclaimer can be found on my main page. A sunny day in the summer can trigger your imagination better than on a rainy day :P depending however on what kind of imagination you have (lol)

This is set in no time in particular, I was just having fun with the J/C characters and their curious relationship :) Kathryn decides to make cookies and Chakotay decides to help.


He walked in the large dark room. The humm of the ships engines and the hiss of the door the only things disturbing the silence. He saw a small light flood onto the floor ahead of him from the kitchen ‘Neelix’s is up late’ he thought questioning the thought in his mind. Approaching the door he peeked around the corner...

She stood profile to him examining the PADD she held in her hand. She rested her hip on the counter and studies the PADD’s content. He pulled himself out of her view and watched discretely. She walked around the table looking for a certain content from the scattered ingredience on the island. Pulling out a large container from under packages and an abundance of white powder she opened it. The power inside exploded upward from the draft of opening the jar, she stumbled backward, whiping her eyes with already white covered hands.

Holding in his laugh, he looked on confused ‘What’s she doing?’ he wondered. She had now moved to a cupboard facing away from him, she was reaching for a green topped container a little too high for reach. Holding her hands out so she wouldn’t get anymore on her uniform she searched the floor for some kind of stool.

“I wonder how different they’ll taste without it?” she asked herself. Washing off her hands, she turned back to the mess on the island and picked up the PADD once more.

He smiled fondly at her, containing his curious laughter and stepped in the room casually “Captain..” he greeted moving to the replicator,

“Chakotay!” she exclaimed startled. Quickly dusting herself off she moved defensively behind the island. She stood nervously biting her bottom lip. “I was just... I... making cookies.” Her words stumbled as she pushed her hair out of her face, he had caught her offguard. He stopped not ordering anything and examined her uniform. She was covered in flour, head to foot. He laughed lightly and moved over to her,

“I thought you didn’t like to cook.. and so late at night, with no one around” he said innocently

“Well, I don’t.. its just that Neelix asked me-” she started when he cut her off

“No need to explain Captain, I can understand your cooking difficulties” he teased as he grabbed an apple and started to walk out the kitchen door.

Kathryn shot him a cold stare. He smiled and continued out.

Crack! Stopping mid step, he felt a cold liquid seep slowly down the back of his head down his uniform. Reaching his hand back he felt the ooze-like contense continue its journey down with the white shells which once held it. He turned around in shock that she’d do such a thing.

“Difficulties...” she muttered harshly back at him, a smile pushing through her serious look. She was suprised that she actually let herself do that. She wasn’t one to throw things, but the eggs, they were there, arms reach... she tried to convince herself that that’s what she should of done but she couldn’t help feeling silly. She broke into laughter and she watching him, neck crunched back so the egg wouldn’t go down the inside of his uniform.

“Kathryn...” he said sternly, his mischievous smile also piercing through his serious look.

“Chakotay...?” she asked through her uncontrollable laughter. He walked slowly toward her around the table, “I’m sorry... my hand slipped... it was an accident..” her attempts to get him to stop failed. She was trapped. Even if she made it to the door he’d catch her before she got out. Her last attempt was to fight him back. Searching for something to help she grabbed to blow of dry cookie ingrediance. “Don’t move” she threatened holding up a handful.

“Kathryn don’t you dare...”

“Don’t take another step” raising her hand higher she stepped backward away from him. He paused his assent, looking deep into her eyes *Gods she was beautiful* he thought. He tried to pick her bluff.

She breathed irraticly through her laughter, trying to find one reason to throw it at him, just one. Just then he took a step. Releasing the ingrediance he was hit square in the face. He paused again momentarily before running at her. She froze as he grabbed the bowl from her. Before long she took off with him after her around the island. A battle of white powder and uncontrollable laughter.


Both were out of breath resting on either sides of the room holding their sore stomachs breathing deeply. Now they were both covered in flour. Kathryn broke the silence and spoke first,
“I told you not to move”

He calmed himself and moved up to her. Still holding the bowl in hand he quickly seized her wrists. He watched through the cloud of white at her crooked smile grow, waiting for her resistance. He looked into her eyes and easily pushed she wrists behind her back causing her to drop the bowl and the contence in her hand. Pulling her into him, he smiled mischeviously. She giggled, trying to squirm away but his grip was too tight.

“Captain, Commander!” a familiar voice came. Turning toward the door, they pushed away from each other.

“Neelix,” Kathryn greeted putting on a perfect Captain’s mask “What can we do for you?”

“What are you doing!? My kitchen...!” he asked in astounded shock , looking about his kitchen

“...Making cookies..” she smiled



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