Understanding Part 2 J/C Fanfiction by Lynn Janeway
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J/C fanfiction
by Lynn Janeway
Rated G
SD 99081.1
Part 2


Doctor’s POV. Suggestion would be to read the first part so this will make more sense. These are done in the POV’s of the different crew members on the ship. Plot still stands. This tells a little more insight to what happened. The disclaimer is located on my frint page. No infringment intended


Doctor’s personal log

It was a wonderful afternoon, I hadn’t had any disturbances from Mr. Neelix or any mind boggling viruses to find cures too. I spent the morning with my family and came back to a clean, quiet office. That’s when everything went downhill.

The Captain and the Commander beamed into sickbay, the Commander didn’t answer me this first time I asked what happened. She had lacerations all over her body, brutal wounds that would take hours to fix. Her face was so covered in blood and wounds that I couldn’t even tell it was her. It took me two hours to clean all the wounds before I could even start repairing them. I managed to heal her face quite nicely, there were small bruises that would heal with time and it would hurt when she smiled but everything would be all right.

Her bicept on the right arm had been sliced horizontally and the flesh seemed to be torn with exhaustion. She told me pieces of what happened, but the most of her time in Sickbay was spent unconscious a helpful cure for the pain. However I told her she would be very sore in the morning, she promised to take a few days off duty. There were small hand indentations along her neck, obviously from some kind of strangulation. I also found small traces of other DNA besides her own near wounds and on her uniform.

It was Sacarin blood, the one it belonged to was unknown. Her back alone had thirty lacerations, the rest of her body over fifty. Her upper body was badly beaten, her legs fortunately weren’t as bad but the damage was severe. It took me three hours alone to re-align and bandage her legs. What ever the Sacari wanted, they wanted it badly.

I don’t know exactly what it was, but she said something about the ships computer and some secure files she had on their species and now still remain under lock and key. If I wasn’t a Hologram and didn’t have control over my emotions I would go there myself, but what’s a hologram to do? After twelve hours of healing, repairing and re-aligning I allowed the Captain to return to her quarters. I understood how she would feel staying in Sickbay, patients and crew constantly coming in. She didn’t want anyone to wait on her, typical. I must commend her though, she must have saved a lot not telling them, risked a lot not telling them, but I know how she thinks just as good as anyone, maybe better she did it for her crew.

She’s strong, anyone else that would have gone through that unless it was B’Elanna would have fallen a long time earlier, may not have even survived. I suppose she was lucky that they didn’t kill her... *pause*

The Captain can’t keep this a secret for long, the crew is small and everyone knows when there’s something wrong. I won’t deny that the senior staff probably knows already or will know. B’Elanna just walked in to grab a PADD that she left here when she came to update my program with some Utaria Opera programs I found. *broad smile* Hopefully the Captain will let me perform for the crew, and maybe even show some of my pictures!

With the help of the transporters I went with her to her quarters and helped her to lay down. She wanted to stay busy but I told her if she wanted her limbs to fall off then continue with her attempt at work. She eventually stopped and laid frustrated on the bed. After ordering her to stay there she agreed and pulled out three of her books. She attempted to show me no pain but I assured her that I knew exactly what hurt.

She snapped back at me and said I had no idea how it felt. Which is true I didn’t, but if I knew the pain of every one of my patients I don’t think I would of even thought of healing people. The pain of suffering is great, I only hope that with some time, effort and, understanding she’ll pull through.

I decided to go the long way back, I hadn’t been out of Sickbay for days for I’d been spending quite a lot of my off duty time with my family. I wanted to say hi to familiar faces, and take a walk. It pained me to hear a close friend break into tears the moment I left. I turned to go back but stopped myself, she wouldn’t need me barging back in to comfort in ways I couldn’t. There was only one person that knew how to do that...

End Log



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