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Triform Chronicles

"Never Again"
(Episode 1 Moneran History)

Lurking through a dark brush, the young girl listened for any sounds that could assume any approaches. Listening she heard thuds of hard footsteps coming toward her, which caused her to flinch and run. Dashing threw a wet grass clearing from rainfall earlier that day, she growled in pain, a branch had caught her broken wing. Pulling softly away she held the painful area and continued to run. She broke out into a cold sweat glancing behind her to see if anyone was still following her. Large grey creatures erupted out of the bush and was ganging on her. Their skin was like leather and the color of the brush so it was hard to pick out in the night. The darkness made it hard to see which was bad for her, her night vision had deteriorated from the time she spent in the camp. It was only a few meters till the safely of the forest trees. Trees being one of her best allies, she knew it was an advantage for her if she reached them. Hurling herself toward a trunk she dug her sharp claws into the bark. Scrambling up she jumped through the lower branches and took the treetops as a faster route. Her legs were weak, from the days and nights spent in captivity, she was suprised that she could maintain the speed she was going.
The creatures chasing her , her people called Grey’s. The Monerans as she chose to call people like herself swore never to join in alliance with the Humans. The Humans were upset that The Monerans refused to join them and took it upon themselves to capture every one of them. The Humans were cursed with the craving of power. In attempt to capture all of her people they engaged control over the large grey creatures by which they called 'Grey' and now use them to capture all her people. The Grey’s have a limited thought capacity and don’t know any better but to follow the people that command them. The Grey’s were and advantage for the Humans, the Grey’s were three times the size of her, and just as fast. But the Humans and the Grey’s are both ground dwellers, and if only her wing hadn’t been damaged she would have been able to escape easily. The Humans and the Monerans have been fighting each other for as long as she could remember, her grandfather used to tell her stories about them when she was little, but then they didn’t have so much control then. Her people were classified as the rebels, and treated just the same.
Trying to anticipate the Humans next move she dashed sharply to the right, she knew that they would try to cut her off and having two Grey’s advancing on her she expected that one would take the front and the other the back. Missing the branch she slid into a larger lower branch. Growling once again in pain, she realized her situation was a little bit worse. She noticed the Humans were now no where to be seen and she knew they weren’t the type to give up. She was stuck, a hanging target in the brush. And the cries for help and pain weren’t helping. It was hard to hold them in, her wing was twisted to an awkward angle and hurt immensely to be even moved. Placing one of her clawed hands on the branch, she pushed to get up. The time was quickly cutting from her journey, she just had to reach home there help would be generously hers. After somewhat regaining her strength she turned her head in all directions scanning the horizon for any sign of them. Being extremely weak she was thankful she was still young and agile.
A crunch of leaves stopped her mid-step, she listened, wide-eyed. She felt a huge force below her capture her foot and pull her down. Falling and hitting many branches and various limbs, she hit the ground hard indenting the wet mud beneath her. Squinting open one of her marbled green eyes she looked up at a large Grey, keeping her grounded. A groan found its way out and in curiosity the Grey looked down at her, smelling all her harsh wounds. Blood poured from her arm and forehead, the Grey licked it somewhat soothing the pain. She couldn’t blame the Grey for what it had become it was controlled by the Humans, heartless creatures. They Grey’s really were gentle creatures, too bad they had to be treated so badly. The Human guard jumped down from his Grey’s back and whipped the side of it. The large creature whimpered and moved away. The other Human guard also got down and approached the young body laying helplessly in the mud. He kneeled down and pointed at her wing. Standing back up he went back and whispered something to the other guard. Standing in authority the two looked at her, gawking. She lay limp on the ground, then turned her head and shut her eyes. Admiting her defeat.
She heard a trumpet sound in the distance and, opened here eyes slightly. She knew that sound. Roaring she attempted to catch her people’s attention. The Humans didn’t seem to hear the sound but became annoyed quickly with her noise. Gagging her and tying her up she was placed roughly onto the side of the Grey. Too late for them, she looked up to see a hovering armada of her people’s warriors waiting to take her home. She watched the two Human guards eyes widen in fear, as winged warriors chased them through the brush. Smiling she turned back up, feeling cool air, and two aids decending to help her. The two aids un-tied her, she fell helplessly to the ground. They helped her up and temporarily braced her wing. It felt so much better. The armada started to fly back to her home and slowly disappeared from sight. The two aids held tightly to her arms and jumped from the ground. The feeling of being airborm had been greatly missed, her wing had been broken and getting worse for some time. The cool wind and the beating of the flaps was a sweet sound to hear and feel.
She was unsure of what was going to happen to the Human guards but she knew for sure that they would pay dearly for what they had done. She could hear yelling behind her but paied not much attention, she was too tired. With the strength she had left she called out,
"Free!!" followed by a painful groan, breaking the silence. The two peoples rarely talked for telepathy was the main form of communication in their culture. having no strength left she slowly fell into unconsciousness, restfully knowing that she was going home and was now no longer in any danger. Eight years in a prison camp had been long enough.

The End

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