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Anastasia/Anya- She is a willful and determined 18-year-old orphan, driven to overcome the loss of her childhood memories and eager to discover the truth about her past. Audiences will respond to her emotional goal of finding the family to which she belongs. Used to fighting her own battles, this fiery young woman is never afraid to say what's on her mind. Whether leaping to safety from a runaway train, mastering the intricacies of royal behavior, or going up against the supernatural powers of Rasputin, Anya is always up to the task that will realize her dream - to find her home.

Dmitri- Dmitri is a slick and scheming young con man whose desire to gain money covers his emotional need to be accepted, to no longer be on the outside looking in. As his hidden feelings for Anastasia grow, Dmitri stubbornly tries to hold on to his belief that money is everything. But even this schemer crumbles under love's spell. Dmitri changes from a con man who only thinks of himself to a young man who will sacrifice anything - the promise of money, even his own romantic hopes - to see that happiness comes to Anastasia, the woman he loves

Vladimir- Vladimir is a former aristocrat, cast off the opulent Russian Empire. With his charming manners, he uses his knowledge of the Russian Court to train Anya in the royal ways of a princess. The good-natured , kind-hearted Vladimir is an incurable romantic, and is the first to recognize and saction the growing attraction between Anya and Dmitri.

Marie- Matriarch of the royal Romanov family and Anastasia's loving grandmother, Marie in many ways represents the emotional center of the movie. Just as she gives up hoping she'll ever be reunited with her granddaughter, Marie is forced to once more expose her heart to potential disappointment. And once she has found Anastasia, Marie exhibits extraordinary strength

Sophie- Sophie is first cousin and lady-in-waiting to the Dowager Empress Marie, Anastasia's grandmother. Sophie is the eternal optimist, and her ample charms are the targets of Vladimir's affection. She holds out hope against all odds that the real Anastasia will someday be found. At the same time, she respects Marie's feelings and knows she must protect them.

Rasputin- The evil sorcerer Rasputin is trapped in a hellish limbo because of his unfulfilled curse against the Romanov family. Shocked to hear that Anastasia, the last surviving member of the family, is still alive after so many years, he vows to find her. Despite his nefarious intentions, Rasputin is a wildly comic character. With his manic mood swings and comic self-obsession, he emerges as a fresh twist to the traditional animated villian.

Bartok- Bartok is a comical albino bat, master of the droll comeback. The fast-flying, droll night creature is never at a loss for words, even if he only mutters them behind Rasputin's back. Bartok is a reluctant accomplice to his evil master's schemes, and, even though his little bat-body bears the brunt of the madman's mayhem, he accepts his fate philosophically.
