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John's Rocket Pics

These are pictures of my rocketry activities. Enjoy, but all images (c)1999-2020 John Powell, unless otherwise noted.

An Estes C6-5 motor that I static-tested in my garden (I didn't use a tripod)

My Loc Lil' Nuke on an F-22. It went 100' up and then went horizontal, ejecting the parachute just before landing - no damage (C:

My scratch-built green tube fin rocket (24mm diameter tubes) launching on an A8-3 motor. Fast boost and close recovery. Overall, a great flight. (C:

My scratch-built green tube fin rocket launching on a B6-4 motor. A good flight, but the rocket drifted a bit during recovery and caught the edge of the asphalt near the launch site. Minor tube softness and paint damage fixed with some CA and repainting. (C:

My rebuilt Vaughn Brothers A.S.P. (same one showed on the CATO page) as the motor ignites on the launch pad.

My rebuilt Vaughn Brothers A.S.P. As the motor comes up to pressure on the launch pad.

My rebuilt Vaughn Brothers A.S.P. (just above the launch pad.

Motors, from left to right: 54mm, 38mm, 29mm, 24mm, 18mm, 13mm

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