Good Places To Visit On The Web
according to the MWC

This is a jumbled grouping of all my favorite websites. They don't necessarily have anything to do with military life. I just like them. So...have a look and see if you find anything interesting.

My Best Friend's Website

The Serenity House
My best girlfriend in the whole world recently started up her own website for adult daughters of alcoholics. It's a beautiful place and she is a beautiful person. Go check it out.

Personal Websites I Love

Donna's Home Page, "Dancing in the Snow"
I cannot tell you how blessed I've been to know Donna. I love how she radiates love and contentment - even when she's sad or angry. She's a very special girl. I love her website, too. Check it out.

Services and Downloads

These are the fine people who have provided me with this little 5mb sampling of my personality. Ha ha. In English, that means that they are my web space provider. I've never had a single problem with Angelfire, and it's FREE. Their page builders are very user-friendly for the beginners, and there are plenty of features to keep even the most advanced HTML gurus happy. So...if you're looking for a host...give them a shot.

International Grey Day
This group is a special bunch of people that are sticking up for the rights of artists and authors out here on our Internet. Copyright infringement, bandwidth theft, and other nasty little evils of this type are their targets. This is a good cause, and it's one that touches my heart in a special way. The site is really set up well, and it's fun to read. Go see what they're about and give your support.

Just for Fun

The Croft Times
Ok, Tomb Raider freaks...this is the site for you. If you love Lara Croft with even a tiny fraction of the enthusiasm that I do, then you HAVE to see this website. It is the definitive authority on all things Lara. Eidos and Core actually trade information with this site, and it has been recognized by many as the best place on the Internet for news about the Tomb Raider Universe. They have my vote. Go see it.

The Republic of Pemberley
The Republic of Pemberley is for those special few who suffer from the affliction of Jane Austen worship. The Republic of Pemberley is designed for discussion, debate, and civil chat. Only the most devoted of Jane Austen followers will "get it," but if you are one of is the haven you've been searching for.



If you like the images on this page and would like to use them yourself, please visit the link for the image’s source on my “Where Did I Get My Graphics?” Page. If you should choose to use one of the images you see on this site, or any other website, do NOT directly link to the images. Download the images to your own hard drive and then upload them to your web server. Thank you and enjoy!

The background, dividers, buttons, etched title graphics, and bullets on this page all appear courtesy of Dizzie.

The home buttong and the little girl who accompanies my email was taken from Lady DJ's site.

Any image that appears on this page that is not listed with its source above was acquired in one of the following three ways: The image may have been given to me by the artist for exclusive use on this site. The image may have been pulled from a reputable public domain graphics engine such as The image also could have been taken directly from the image directories at my host, Angelfire. There are several images throughout this site that were acquired by one of these three methods. Because I believe strongly in making sure that all of the artwork appearing on this site is appropriately used and credited, please feel free to send any inquiries, comments, concerns, or requests regarding the images on this site directly to me via email.

Semper fidelis et semper gratus,
Amy L.
Creator – The US Military Wives Club