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MCRD Parris Island, South Carolina.
There is over five miles of dick on this island.
For the next 13 weeks,
(scroll down)
This page is the place where I'm collecting and storing all of the Marine Corps images, stories, web links, and humor that have helped to keep me focused on my goal. I guess that's why I call it the Motivation Page. I hope you like it as much as I do...
"Sweat dries, blood clots, bones heal. Suck it up. Be a Marine."
I love this quote, and the image of this female recruit is my favorite because it shows a young woman who is obviously beaten down and in pain...but she's still pushing. Truly motivational - don't you think so?
If you like the images on this page and would like to use them yourself, please visit the link for the image’s source on the
"Where Did I Get My Graphics" Page. If you should choose to use one of the images you see on this site, or any other website, do NOT directly link to the images. Download the images to your own hard drive and then upload them to your web server. Thank you and enjoy!
The photographs of both the female drill instructor and the Parris Island recruit were taken (unaltered) from the official Parris Island website (link available on the Links & Images page above).
The grey Eagle, Globe, and Anchor emblems on this page were taken from Just Another Jarhead's site.
Any image that appears on this page that is not listed with its source above was acquired in one of the following three ways: The image may have been given to me by the artist for exclusive use on this site. The image may have been pulled from a reputable public domain graphics engine such as ArribaVista.com. The image also could have been taken directly from the image directories at my host, Angelfire. There are several images throughout this site that were acquired by one of these three methods. Because I believe strongly in making sure that all of the artwork appearing on this site is appropriately used and credited, please feel free to send any inquiries, comments, concerns, or requests regarding the images on this site directly to me via email.
Semper fidelis et semper gratus,
Amy L.
Creator – The US Military Spouses' Club