Poetry Corner...

A Bound Muse....

Within her heart, her mind and soul
exist chains few can break.
The bonds, so strong, so deep, and real,
a slave, bound tight, do make.
She seeks to fly on wings unfurled,
to soar above the earth.
Her eyes shine bright, her hair flows long,
of her gift, she knows the worth.
To One she will submit her heart, 
and all she is within,
For He will break the chains that bind,
her soul, He'll take with Him.
Only One with strength of soul,
with love so deep and strong,
can take this girl and set her free,
for Him her heart does long.
She seeks Him out, she calls His name,
and waits His answering shout,
for in His hand, He holds the key,
to let His Muse come out.

On Their wedding day...

When I look at you both, 
in my heart I can see,
a love that is strong, 
a bond that should be,
I see my two friends, 
now joining as One,
I see two I love, 
shine bright as the sun.
The glow in your eyes, 
and the light from your hearts,
it fulfills all my hopes, 
as your new life now starts.
I can wish for myself, 
and hope, yes and dream,
that somewhere out there 
is the right one for me,
but until that time comes, 
I will bask in the glow,
of the luckiest couple 
I am honored to know.
To you I wish all 
of the best life can give
to journey, to prosper, 
to learn and to live,
with each other beside you, 
you can never go wrong,
for the love that I see, 
is so right and so strong.
My hope on this day 
is that life treats you right,
and your love continues 
to grow strong and bright.


Within, always within,
my heart, my mind,
elusive yet tangible.
Within, always within,
my body, my soul,
existance like a fantasy.
Within, always within,
yearning, fearing,
to break free, to remain bound.
Within, always within,
can you see what the freedom
of my prison does to me?

I Promise..

I promise to always be your friend...
I promise to care for you...
I promise to lend an ear...
I promise to think about you...
I promise to miss you sometimes...
I promise to dream about you...
I promise to listen when you need me to...
I promise to come to you for help...
I promise to remember you...
I promise to tell people how special you are to me...
I promise to stand beside you....
I promise to keep you in my prayers...
I promise to share in your joys...
I promise to hold you in your sorrows...
I promise to hug you...
I promise to keep you in my heart...
I promise to give you part of my soul...
I promise to never forget you...
I promise to be happy for you...
I promise to be happy....
I promise to always call you friend...
I promise to respect you...
I promise to cherish you...
I promise to admire you...
I promise to look up to you...
I promise to learn from you...
I promise to teach you....
I promise to keep your lap warm....
I promise to adore you...
I promise to help you...
I promise to let you help me...
I promise to depend on you..
I promise to be here for you to depend on...
I promise to see you...
I promise to need you...
I promise to be here when you need me...
I promise to be your best friend...
I promise to be your love....
I promise to love you unconditionally...
I promise to not judge you...
I promise to never hate you...
I promise to think good thoughts for you...
I promise to never intentionally hurt you...
I promise to trust you....
I promise to be honest with you...

I promise to love you...

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Email: dragynmuse@aol.com