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What Part of Your Clique Are You??

Where You've Seen Her: Heather Chandler in the movie Heathers.
What She's Got: An outgoing personality. Assertiveness.Charisma. He or she is the one who always stands up for pple in the group...Say sumone called a friend a hoe or whatevr...This is the girl that pops her...*S* j/kThey're also the smooth talker; "Oh, what's the car doing parked on the lawn, Daddy? I heard it was god for the grass...How was work?" They know pple look up to them, and that they're at the helm, even still they knows that everyone in the group is muy importante!
The Essentials: Cool clothes. Or seious money. Or a hot boyfriend(girlfriend). Or just the ability to strike fear in the other members of your clique. It's important that you don't think that if you're not well off or you're not way into clothes that you can't be the leader. Leadership is character trait. You've got it or you don't!
BONUS: Everyone listenes to you! So if you're on of those pple who luvs being at the center of attention this may be you! Your opinions are always recognized...and you're popular. *hmmmm*
Pitfalls: "Power Corrupts" Leaders who get caught up in the more superficial aspects of popularity-looks, money, signifigant others, WHATEVER, can really ruin themselves when a leader comes along who's true to not only the group but herself. Ever heard the phrase "Oh how the might do fall?" Always remember to be confident but true to yourself!

Where You've Seen Her: Tai in the movie Clueless
What They've Got: An outgoing personality! They can can sit right down at a table and not know anybody but not care! She'll talk away anywayz.
Essentials: The group must be open to new pple! Or else how are you gonna charm them? If they're not open to you, don't worry. Eventually sumone will notice how wonderful you are!
Bonus: Hey, there's nuttin wrong with makin new friends. And part of being new is that you don't always fit first! But if it's a friendly, inclusive group your newness shouldn't last for long. Remember you don't always have to be new in a school to be the new girl in a cliquey type thing. If you have classes with sum girl who starts asking you to do stuff with her n her friends...That's the new girl thing too!
Here's The Catch: Sometimes the group may not ever accept you no matter how much you try! You can change yourself, your OTHER friends, n everything else and if they don't like you.....oops...What happened to your old friends? The ones you've been ditching? Hmm if they're true budz they'll still be there....Let's hope!
Bottom Line: If the clique won't accept you for who you are without having to change you, you're too good for them!
Where You've Seen Her: She's Kim on the TV show Moesha
What She's Got: At best, a strong sense of humor and enough confidence to be just a pal and not the boss.
Essentials: The ability to fit in (or to conform). Being sidekick sumtimes mean you have to sacrifice your own beliefs or sense of self to teh group. Be careful tho, don't lose yourself in the group. Always be true to YOU. But if the group is doing sumthing really wrong like pickin on sumone...even fittin isn't that important. In the end I think you're friends will respect you more for yourself then for being a reflection of all of them!
Bonus:If you're lucky, you can be in a cool group without having to make any big decisions and be stuck with the blame if youe decision sucked!
Trapdoor: You could lose yourself completely in the group. Instead of thinking, "what do I want to do" you may start thinking "gee I wonder what everyone else wants to do" keep in mind that that's not always bad...It could be you being considerate..but if you say it 100% of the time then it's time to rediscover yourself! You may also find that pple are telling you what to do more and more...HELLO if you let yourself be walked on..They WILL walk on you...Even the best of friends do that to one another without realizing!
The Satellite Boy
Where You've Seen Him: Xander from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
What He's Got: He MUST like to hang out with the girls...(no nerds who can't talk with girls without having a corronary...)It's best if he has a strong personality n a greeeeaaaaat sense of humor..*S*. He has to be willing to give advice about OTHER guyz too. *S*Which means he has to LISTEN.
The Way In: If he has a girlfriend in the group, it's soooo easy!! Another way is for the guy and the Leader to agree about sumthing....Like I don't know the pizza pockets suck at school...*S*
Double Your Pleasure: It's way fun to hang out with guyz n girls at the same time n place! Guyz add insight that girls will never ever have! Like what does it mean when sum guy writes his name n number on a napkin? He doesn't care enough to use the paper in his binder or sumthin?? The Satellite Boy knows..*S* hehe
Drawback: No access!! It's hard to be in a group that's almost all girls and not develope a crush on one person while sum other girl gets one on n you n then YIKES!! They're kicken your booty right on out cuz you're a 'player' hehe j/k
Where You've Seen Her: Angela on My So Called Life
What She's Got: Major confidence! A wide range of interests n a couple of bestes buddies she always can count on.
Prior Experience: B4 she became a floater she probs decided that she couldn't socialize with certain pple ALL the time!
Plus: You get to hang out with a variety of pple! When you're not in ONE group, you can do whatever you want without having to think about a certain groups approval! Who cares..if they're pissed go hang out with your OTHER buddies n so on n so on! Everyone will always think you're really nice!
Minus: Floating will cause anxiety if you really want to belong to one particular group!! If you do want to join a group...then floating is good becuz it shows your wonderful social skills off!
Where You've Seen Her: Patty Simcox in Grease
What She's Got: Incredible persistence!
Conditions: You have to be willingto be the butt of jokes..Or reject your old friends in a show of loyalty. Someimes you even have to endure cruel ostracism until you are accepted into the group.
The Upside: None. You're spending a lot of time trying to please other pple n not yourself! How healthy is that? NOT AT ALL!!! Being a wannabe can cause mass self esteem problems...A lot of times you are setting yourself up to be used n manipulated by pple!

When Outsiders Want In
3 Very Common Clique Dilemmas
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