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~*Super Niki's Super Menu*~

"Dont Dismiss me cuz I'm sexy"
~Will Friedle~

Me and Will have the same issues..hehe look around and sign the guestbook
WOOOO Look at my counter gooo!!


~*Violence in Our Schools*~
~*My Poetry*~
~*Nifty Neato Cliques*~
~*My Buddies*~
~*My Buddies Pages*~
~*Celebrity Trauma*~
~*What guys like in a Girl*~~
~*What Part of Your Group are YOU?*~
~*Dating Tips for the Clueless*~
~*The Entrance - Take another lookie*~
~*Let's talk about sex baby*~
~*I don't KNOW what this is! It's the SUPRISE Page*~
~*Some helpful tips when dealing with buds*~
~*A little something about me*~
~*Things I like*~
~*My Musical Views*~
~*My Hottie Friends*~
~*Niki's No No's*~
~*Are you and OUTSIDER? Do ya care?*~
~*Hottie Mark Magrath sheds some light*~
~*Cliques I've joined*~

Go to Ashley's Page!
