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Tips on Dating

Juggling your Buddies and Your Guy
DON'Tput your friends on the sidelines. Even when you're first starting to date a guy...or girl..*_* Staying close with your other friends shows them that you're a true-blue buddy and shows them you have a life.

DOSet up special times whether it's everyday or every week to be with your friends. That way, you won't get sucked into a routine with him that doens't leave room for other relationships. And you won't offend your friends by calling them ONLY when your beau has plans!

DON'T worry about rejecting him to be with your friends. Let him know about your friends and in general the stuff u talk about..But don't tell him everyone's secrets...Bad..That way when you're out with your friends he'll know why...kinda..

DO tell your girlfriends about what's going on with your relationship, but don't babble about him nonstop. You friends don't want to know his shoe size, his colgne brand or any of that..K? k.

DON'TWhine when he makes other plans. Nothing makes a guy more squirmy then a girlfriend who too clingy...Your total tolerance of his friendship will help him accept yours.

DO do stuff with your buddies a lot. Talk on the phone sit with them at lunch. Let them know that they're still included in your will if u should die suddenly.hehe sowwy.

DON'T coddle a friend who's so jealous of your romance that she repeatedly acts nasty to him or tries to seperate you. She might need a lil time to CALM DOWN or get over it.

DO Plan group dates and activities with lots of guyz and girls. What could be better then being with your best guy and your best guy at the same time? Nuttin.

If None of this works for u, either yourfriends fon't like him or he doens't like them...Friends will always be there for you and guyz come n U know..either a lil romance..or a friendship that will last longer then an average of 2 months..*_*
