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3 Clique Fearz N Dilemmas

In Or Out?
3 clique dilemmas

1. You want In: Here's the thing; you shouldn't want in a group that doesn't want you as a member. Translation: If girls in the clique (or guyz) roll their eyes everytime you make a comment or don't invite you to their parties...then it's time for you to cut it out! But if you're included immediately (or soon after you start hanging out with them) then they're probs the friends you're been looking for!
2. You Want Out: So maybe you're in one of those scary cliques...the ones that make fun of pple behind their backs. N you're worried that once you're not sitting with them, they'll make fun of you too! Well, here's the harsh truth: there's nuttin fun about cutting ties and leaving a group...But that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it! The more you don't worry about it....the happier you'll be with your choice! derrr hehe
3. You Want To Be Accepted For Who You Are: Take small steps to assert yourself. So you don't like the Gap wear sported by all your friends? Great-so ahead and flaunt your trendy thrift-store finds! Hate the Lilith Fair music your friends insist is the ONLY music worth listening to? Go ahead and blast your fav. Smashing Pumpkins CD or Chemical Brothers or whatever!! Develope your own sense of style, if pple tease you about it, stand up for what you like. If there's anything that wins grudging admiration it's unflappable sense of yourself.

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