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7 Secrets to Keep your Friendships Afloat

My Favorite things about Friends

Hey!! Well..a lot of us have friends..and a lot of us..get mad at friends, I do soo sooo much. Cuz i'ma jealous loser butthead.hehe just kiddin, and sometimes, I totally don't knwo what to do, this might help some pple like me..hehe

Rule #1: Choose Wisely Of course you're curious about the person over there, the one surrounded by a group of people. You want to find out what makes them so cool. Often, a person is popular cuz they're fun and open and warm (not body heat, personality pple) and sweet and funny and nice and cheery, all around perfect person. But some pple get popular not by who they are, but what they have. Boyfriends, Girlfriends, money, beauty, and all that nummy stuff we all WISH we had.
When forming a friendship, it's muy importante to figure out WHY you want to be arounf thisperson. if you're reasons are good, you're lucky!! You're friendship already has a good strong base!! YAY for you!!! But consider this, maybe you're drawn to this person becuz pple notice her, and you figure if you're with her, or him or whatever, then you'll be noticed too!! And the people that talk about her will talk about you and so on and so on!! Noooo me gusta..heheh if these are your reasons, you're shortchanging yourself, and and party # 2...the person..bad bad bad for pple.
Friendships last longer when they go both ways, shared interests, closeness, being there for each other. If you and say, Bobby are both great bomb athletes, and love Party of Five, then WOO HOO buddy buddy..and if u and Sally have teh same hiarcut and taste in clothes, and video games or whatever, WOOO HOO again. This means, you've chosen friends with your interests, becuz of those interests. And not because of status. If you have friends like this, you're very very lucky cuz you'll always have someone u're comfy with.

#2 Appreciate Your FriendsLet's say you and Mom or Dad or whoever just got in a lil tiff.and you're all mad and stuff. I knowwww pple that like 99.9% of you would run to your room and call ur best friend. Cuz you know they'll sit there and say, yeah, your mom is totally unfair..or whatever u need to hear. And when things are REALY REALY good, they're there too!! Like when the person u like calls, or when u get straight A's...ban wagon to the mall...and pig out and whatever. Those are true friends. So how do u keep them? Well...... you should tell the person that u know, they're great and u don't know WHAT you'd do with out 'em. Cuz hello...what would u?? I know I am a lil shy about u know..cry fests in the middle of the night..which girls, u know happens, and I don't know if this is true..hehe but these guyz told me once that u guyz get a lil weird too.."I luv u guyz" and that sorta thing..hehe, well..if u're not into lookin all messed, try just being there for them. Bring 'em junk food when they're depressed, and lil stuff like that. Just do the stuff she does for you..for her!! Always a good start...isn't that like the golden rule?? No say. Ask questions, don't just babble on about how U are..that makes pple feel totally used and stupid. Like what they're doing isn't as important as what u're saying. Never take your friends for granted.
#3 Don't Dump your Friends for BoyfriendsYou and what's their name may end up joined at the hip and totally in-love til you're like lil old prunes....But summer loves don't last..hehe not just summer ones pple, and most H.S. sweeties seperate when college hits, Sad?? Noooo, deep down u know that u need to figure out who u are without Romeo or Julliett tellin you who they want u to be. It's different with friends, chances are your parents have friends from H.S. still, like the guy your dad always invites over for football games, and belches with and swears, and grunts..*S* And the chick your mom calls when she's totally peeved at you. Keep that in mind when you're thinkin about blowin off your friends for a date.
Play your cards right and you can have both tho..a few close friends, a lotta "school friends" and we all know who those pple are. but there are some ground rules..Never compete for the same person, never ever go out with their ex, even if they say it's ok, and never ever throw ketchup on them..sowwy Nae..hehe
#4 Be a Full Time FriendNothings more retarded then a friend who hangs out with in private but acts liek a stranger at school and teh mall. If u're friends, everyone should be included, Sure, sometimes u outgropw ppple and places..and clothes, but not in 5 minutes..and its' a drifting, not a OOH NO POPULAR PPLE GET LOST thing...
#5 Good Friends Don't Smother Friends don't need to spend ever waking minute of every day with each other..a good friend knwos when u need your space..and vice versa. Just becuz u're close doesn't mean you have to sit by each other in ever calss, and eat lunch together every day. If you're needy t it tends to get real annoying, real quick. AND if u're to clingy with one friend, u might miss another one becuz u were too busy kissin what's her face's feet.
#6 Lose the Fight, not The Friend Even the very best of friends fight. But don't fight over what guy is hotter and then let it eat at you. And don't get mad because she picked sumone over you. It's ok. They still luv ya. It's all good. And When u blab a secret (bad bad bad) Admit to it, don't blame it on everyone, and say sorry, don't be all haughty about it..that's dumb.
#7 Keep In Touch Lives change, people move. School happens, and people lose touch. DOn't. Friends Foever.

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