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Just a lil About Me!! The Girl Behind The Monster *S*

Hey my name is Niki..For all of you who don't know me..*s* Nice to meet ya..anyways, I go to WHS Wenatchee High School...And you know..Panthers Rock..*s* sorry..had to go there, umm I swim..on the swim team for school and for Barracuda's..I like it..I mean..BArracudas..H.S. Swimming is a lil poor muscles get all sore..*S* ummm I like music...almost all country..hehe except for this one month that Drew and I made abet and I lost..THen I had to for a month..I will never ever be the same..hehe umm..I like little LIVE in..but for shopping I go to Seattle..because know..just rocks..hehe *s* umm I like spagetti..hehe, not even with the sauce...but like..with noodles...and cheese..that grainy stuff that u sprinkle on it? *s* and like..hmm sumtmes I like it with...never mind.who cares..*s* Anyways, I like playing basketball, I like playing golf but quite frankly I SUCK, *s* sooo..moving on..I don't know what else to say, so g'day! Back to the Main Menu??
Woop this is me

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