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My Personnal Bliss

My 3 Favorite Words

HEY!! Well..I have this whole page about my DISlikes..and I'm thinking..hmmmm people must think I DISlike a WHOLE lotta things if I have a whole PAGE full of my dislikes!!! How not true!! i LIKE SOOO MANY THINGS!! I'm sucha happy person! I like target..hehehe the store..hehe it's the coolest store ever. I mean it! Whatcha need...Clothes? target!! CD's?? TARGET!!!!! TOYZZZ?? TARGET!!! Stuff for ur comp..go to target..the bestest store ever. But when I'm not at Target..hehe I like to shop at the gap and Mr. Rags..Cuz well...u know..gotta spice it up u know..hehe I music..hehe I have sooo many CD's..It's not even funny. i get new CD's every pay day for real..haha n by the way..the South Park cd is AWSOME!!! Who loves South park.I Do I do!! hehe We don't get it here tho!! SO i have to RENT IT! CHEAPPPP!!!! Anyways..I like the name Doug..hehe Doug and hahahaha this is for u Cooper..hehe I like the name Mormy..hehe I WUV U J.C!!!!! hehehe sowwy..N anywys, hehe ummmm I like..hahhaha I like to tease my lil sis...cuz what is life without a lil fun..hehe n yeah...she's so easy to make fun of..but nooo.she's coool..sumtimes. I like...hmmm I like...School..I know I know..everyone is like..yeah cool is that. but NOOO how else can u see like EVERYONE and like not have to worry about planning it!! I love school!! it's so SOCIAL!! I want to like LIVE at school. But I dont like FINALS!!! Finals such!!! U all know...yeah they SUCK!! I like to hang out at the mall and make fun of Freshmen..hehehe I like that..hehe it's like..woooo theres one..u can just tell...See the long has that stick been up there ya s'pose? hehehe just kiddin. I wuv freshmen!! I'd better too cuz I have lots of freshmen buddies. I loooove like..history. Seriously. History is the coolest subject ever. It is!! Like...where did we get Saving Privat Ryan...(an excellent film) and....Gone With the Wind (an EXCEPTIONALLY LOOOOONG FILM) and..yeah...lemme see...Legends of the Falls..oooh my gosh..when the dad..when he has that stroke and has to write with the chalk...oooh my about TEARS>>i can't even think about it!!! I am soooo....sappy.hehe I cry at the mil commercial with the old people..and that mean magician pours it in his hat!!! OLD PEOPLE NEED CALCIUM!!!!!!! they have Brittle BONES!!!! and they hurt too!! *s* aighty I must get goin..cuz I can't think of anymore things! Oh yeah I likes ICQ..hhehe u all should get it!