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My View on Music n Everything

OK poke Music...lemme see. I like just about ne kind of music...I like rap....:) Tupac and Jay-Z right now....I don't really like all the shiney pants that Puffy and Ma$e wear..hmmmm at my school if ya wear shiney pants your gay so I figure...same goes right? Not that I'm homophobic..I'm not. But it just doens't work for me. Umm hahah you all member Criss Cross.hahaha 4 real now that was a lil crazy..hahah and not good crazy..just MESSED up. Pants backward..oooh yeah how cool.N Brandy n Monica kind of me now...I mean...who cares whos boy he is?! Not me!! hmm Lemme see..ok yeah..right now..I'm kinda into real MILD MILD MILD punk and Bif Naked and Lit and Smash Mouth and all that good stuff......I forget the other punk stuff. But I have never and will never like Bush....I think Gavin is on sum wack stuff and hmmm he's a lil scary. Just a lil.But isn't that cute, him n Gwen? I think so uh huh. Ooooh yeah ok I didn' like the Kid rock song..Bawitdabaw but I like Cowboy..hahaha it's cool. I wanna be a cowboy too. And I do I'm sorry sorry sorry like BSB and N Sync and Five and 98 Degrees...I DOOOOOOO I hate liking it but I do. And now I'm done cuz this is just me babbling and I'm tired and sunburned and right now I really don't care about music too very very much. :)
