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My Best Lookin Net Buddies..:P

Hey these LOVELY people are my closest most best lookin people I know!! *S* on here that it..*S* So take a looksie..*S* Very impressive..heheh

Aww!! it's my Tavy!! I have to tell everyone..that this boy is the bomb..hehe he's the best seriously..pple in Aussie are so FRIENDLY!!

This is My Buddy Brent..he's th bomb cuz he's really into music and..POOP the bulls..*S* naw but he's so nice n sweet..hehe Call me sumday babs..*wink* hehe

This is my great hunky friend Damon..hehe *S* U stud you..hehe Homecoming KING u guyz..hehe sharp ain't he? *S*

ooooh it's Garret..*S* Stud man..all jocky..*S* I could whoop u any day babe..hehehe don't hurt me too bad..hurts so good..hahaha

Now here's a change of pace..This is my good friend Janet..She's the biggest gossip everyone..but I gotta're the bomb girl

Now this is Jae..And I gotta say..jay and I know each other through swim team...goooosh he's sucha hotty.hehe but he USED to live and he we talk on the net unles we're at meets..he's gon kill me for puttin up this pic..But girls..we all aprecciate a nice bod..*S* Don't worry Jase.u're a hotty!!

hehehe Mod baby..hehe U're sucha sweet heart..*S* Goof ball is more like it..hehehe weirdo!!! *S8 just kiddin

Oh for Pete's sake!!! it's pete!! *S* hehe stud man..hehehe *S* Just kiddin, u're more...hehehe muy intekigente..still a cutie tho hun

hehehe Pali..u're the bombest n u KNOW IT!! hehehe He's sucha cutie too huh!! *S* Luv youuuuuu

hey Sammy, u know u're a cutie..and so does everyone else now!! *S* U are like single handedly the funniest guy I know..hahaha I just have one word to say..*S* But I won't..*S* ***** there u goo..u know what it is Sammerz..hehe

Joey!!!! My man!! What's up babes..hehe u're so intense lookin!! oooh my gosh, ya scared me a bit a first..heheh dorkiss..*S* Wuv ya muchos

Ooh c'mon now..u can all tell just by lookin at Jess he's HILARIOUS!!! And yeah the pic is sposed to be that way!! *S*
Luv you ALL

Ok well this is my good buddy Daniel..he's the lower..ahh I forgot!! Left..I think.>I HOPE..*S* n sorry girls..but he's gotta girl.and this pic is two years old sooo not all good..heheh Luv ya Daniel..hehe

This is my boy Craz..hey!! Isn't he studly..check teh stummy muscles...hehe *S* GRRRR *S* Buff boy

Hey u doin? hehe isn't he GREAT everyone.hehe *S* Sweety Sweety..*S* Nawwwww...I know sumone with a crush on THIS boy..hehe Cuz he's so studly..*S*

'n this is the OTHER Jay I talk with..he's cool too! All my buddies are cool..hehe dontcha just want pinch his lil cheekerz..hehe *S*

This is My hunny Jo..hehe Go jo!! From G.I. Joe on his vacation last year..*S*

ok this is the Nate, he's the one on the far left, at his big sis's wedding...*S* He looks so HANDSOME!!!!

This is my GOOOD GOOD buddy Erik, hey hun!! *S* Isn't he intense lookin. *s* Pple that know him know that's a lil word play..he's a studly soccer player..*S* U know what that means?? Sexy legs..*S* hehehe sowwy!

And this guy, sorry your last buddy, is Nickey..hehe LUV YOU NICKEY!! Last is always're the last lovely boy we see before we leave!! WOO HOO

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