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These Are My No No's...hehe Niki's No No's

Top 5 Niki No No's

If you're the least bit sensitive about like..YOUR ATTITUDE or you Music tastes..God forbid, ya might wanna NOT scroll down..K doke? OK!! and if you hate Stuff, well..take a looksie, maybe we have it in common!

OK this is how it is....I don't like a LOT of attitude..I mean..a little is good..BUT if you're all 'fuck this n that n fuck yo mamma' no what did that person's momma do to you? NOTHING so leave her alone. I swear momma's get more crap then anyone ever dished out to ANYONE. I for one LOVE my mom! Anyway...I don't like fakers..with me what you see is what u get! Verdad? Bien!!!! Si Si me gusta!! *S* ANYWAY, no one who's all like...'yeah I'm fly n guess what so n said?' and then they go to the other person. 'naw I won't tell anyone what you told me bud''s all good you know NOOO NOOOOO!! Your friends are your friends so be true. Drugs...I mean a little is good, but if it's fuckin with your brain...HELLO, drugz are some dangerous stuff. And you have to know thet. A little is like..You know..stuff we do. but I don't want any addicts in my house.or on my if your hooked and you got a line in your arm now...VAMOS!! *S* and those guyz who wear tight pants..Y'all can have the waist however you the kind that say 'baggy' or 'wide leg' because boys..I don't want to see your equipment...alright? *S* I'm sorry.. Let me see...No blaring your music...ESPECIALLY if it's this doesn't apply if you're in your car..or havin a down's cool. But if you're like...playin music for NOISE! SHUDDUP PLEASE!! I for one like my eardrums in one peice. And for all those people who hold grudges for people who 'wronged' them or whatever...GET OVER IT Cuz hello...for all you know.they're cool pple..and what are you doin dissin them like that? WRONG!! I mean they could have changed...Sprouted wings for all you know! And ANOTHER thing, don't be slamin dead people, they're DEAD, D E A D. They can't defend themselves. When they're dead it's a respect issue. Don't do it. And OOOOH YEAH, don't always repeat yourself. Say it once, mean it, get your point across and be done with it. You say it a lot, and everyone gets sick of it and doesn't even listen. SO ONCE. Anyways, that's it. THANK YOU!!!

