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Do Guyz Dig Your Style? Check it Out

10 Guy Gross Outs

Recently A Group of guyz Were surveyed to see what they liked best bout girls....Here's what they said!

41% of Guyz like BROWN hair..
32% prefer blondies
11%opt for raven beauties
5% Dig ANY color!

Face Facts:
What do guyz zero in on when they look at a girls face?
57% Look at the Eyes
39%Loook at Your SMILE...Flash those brites! hehe sowwy
2% LUUUV Dimples..

who's hair is the bestest?
23% Of guyz say they dig Mariah Carey's wild curls
18% are into Meg Ryan's short lil curls
41% Love Jennifer Love's straight length
and 17% Dig Cameron Diaz's pixie cut

Most guys said that they likes 'cute' girls over 'sporty' or 'preppy' ones! Even over 'sexy' girls. Do cuties GO!!

Only 12% Of guy like stick thin model types! The rest dig curvy girls!

43% Loove fitted floor length gowns with low backs
31% like seriously sexy *red and tight*
10% flip for funky black pantsuits..
Only 7% like fluffy lacy thingies DUH, barbie never went to prom girlies

Don't know what to do with your Nails??
74% say that natural nails are way cool
10% think super long nails are spifftifilus
7% dig balck, gothic like nails...
6% like red nails

Are u shaving daily? 80% of boyz say TAKE OUT YOUR RAZORS and SHAVE!! *S*

58% of Guyz look at your over all figure first
20% zero right in on boobs...these are the subtle types..hehe
11% go for the back end
7% Like legs

2% of guyz like facial piercing...
9% are into tatoos...hmmm
38% DO NOT like tatoos.
51 wig out over tongue piercing..
11% are into body piercing
66% booo bindhis...U know..Gwen Stefani
53% are anti mendhi

67% prefer LIGHT make up on girls...21% go for dark shadow, and heavy eyeliner

78% would rather BE with a girl who don't count calories, even a girl slightly overweight.

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