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An OutSiderz Profile...

When Outside Is Where You Wanna Be
Lonerz NOT Loserz:To find an outsider on TV you need look no farther then Daria...or Party of 5Claude and Daria n Jane. These cool chikitas spurn the mainstream cliques to do the indie thing..It doesn't mean they don't have friends and it doesn't mean they don't like pple. It's just who they are. A lot of 'outsiderz' view regular cliques as snobby and kinda boring!! It's not that they can't be in's that they don't WANT to!!! They're almost disgusted by the way pple fall at the feet of the 'popular crowd' and sacrfice themselves for them! They don't want to meet any standards!! They don't want to act like anyone else. They are just THEM n that's the way they like it!! A lot of 'outsiderz' tried a clique once n found it unsatifying n sumtimes maybe they weren't accepted. A lot of pple kind of 'discover' themselves in High School, n change completly from who they were in Middle School or Junior High or whenever. A lot of the pple who change..become 'outsiderz' because they see pple in the hallz like them n they know that they don't have to blend in, it's ok to be an outsider. I'm not saying that pple who swim in the river of cliques n social circles aren't as happy as outsiderz..or sumthin, cuz if you're cool with you...Then that's all that matters!!

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