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Violence In Our Schools

Ok, in the last two years, our schools have become something we never imagined. Students are actually scared to come to school. School has always been a safe place for students. Now it is a place where people constantly watch out for the person who looks testy. I know this because recently, it struck uncomfortanbly close to home. Before winter break a boy at my school brought a gun to school. He had at school all day one day, and was caught the next. He even went so far as to point it at another student. The school said that "There was never any danger" but if you think about it, there was a gun that could have, at anytime, been aimed at a hallfull of students. So I started this page, Soon I'll be adding magazines articles written on various school shooting and they're effect on students. These are OUR schools folks. We can make them safe again.

Comlumbine Students Tell their Stories

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