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Is Sex bad??

it has come to my attention, that come people would like to know my opinion on sex. hmmm Mr, "Sex is Bad" says that sex should be illegal, and let's face it, that is one messed up dumb crazy idea. Sorry.but it is. He also said something about the devil. now that's all well and good, and we all know about Adam and Eve in the garden and what not. but since then, we have not been able to reproduce any other way. And since we are NOT asexual organisms, we have to reproduce some other way. The way we do this is through sex. Therefore having sex is essential to the continuity of the human race. God intended for us to have sex. If he didn't, we would not have special "sex cells" in our bodies. Sex cells, which are produced through meiosis, produce gametes. (sperm and ova) Which as we all know are produced in the testicles and the ovaries. Sex, is not bad. It is something God intended for us to do. Having unprotected sex at a young age though, can lead to serious things, that indeed, are very bad. STD's, and pregnancy. you should most definately not have unprotected sex unless you're married, or on birth Control. Thank you tho, "Sex is Bad" for sharing your opinions with me, and the rest of the people who have read and will read my guestbook. That's great. But as u can's perfectly natural to have sex. Alright then. I'm done.
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