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To All My Bestest Friendlies

Hey friendlies!! This page is just for you. And if I forget anyone e-mail me or sumthin ok? I'll feel bad and I'll talk about you 4ever I swear.
Ummmm ok, Ashley, hola!! KYLE IS NOT MEAN!! hehe sorry, umm sheesh I miss ya cuz you're in Arizona, but you're like my bestest friendly so u get to be first!! thanks for callin me on my birtdhay girl! Hessica~ Wussup my nig-ger? Next time I have Kyle in the car, we're gonna come getcha..hehe Homecoming here u come......Hil well..lemme see..hmmmm brunetts don't do it for ya huh? BITE ME..hehe jk Tiff I know u're feelin left out girl but pshaw u're my SIDEKICK! I can't leave ya behind!!hmmina, ok Kyle...ok you're my hunny..or my ex hunny right about now..hehe funk soul brothers...woo hooANYWAYS I love ya. for real..mad luv..hehe Brian, hunny! how was skyline..hehe very very sweet. word...hehe Mollzerz hot damn girl..u're so tall!!! wooooo, but I wuv ya...and u love.....Justi* hehe yeah I know he'll know..that's the POINTummm Ambzie wamzie..hehe ok so u and Ash aren't cool..but I still luv ya...careful tho..she wants to kill ya ~ Drew, hey buddy member 7th grade when I had that big ol crush on u? hahaha how funny! thanks for honkin..haha Dan and Doug, dan lose the facial hair and Doug get NICE AGAIN!!!! Word Beth!!! I love ya! you're so cool. Sorry bout waking y'all up girl..hehe my bad. Internet buddies
Aye alright first and formost....Aye Janet..what's up...Good luck to you and Stephen...And with that other lil crush. *s* haha goooo get 'em hun And to Chris...Kr@yzie Chris. *s* I missed you when I was gone. Don't worry about the letters. *s* And hey, I'm tellin you college is KEY. To tha other Chris, you're sucha sweety. I just wanna say thanx for bein nice to Amzie.*s* hahah sowwy Ambz...and you're hilarious, I LUV you. *s* I say that too much. Umm Auto....aye buddy I MISSED you too. You still draw and stuff?? I hope so you are tha bomb. um mz...girl you know it's all good now. I was alll worried bout it. I didn't mean any of that stuff. I was mad and stuff. I have a bit of a temper on me. *s* and so do you. Not that that's bad. Just..yeah NEwayz moving on.Hey Mikey...*S* So how are ya? *S* We need to work sumthin out so that we could watch ER together on Thursdays.. *S* I'm kiddin! *S* I'll see u on ICQ k doke? .Erik....*s* Buddy, you know I luv you!! I gotta you're so nice and everything. And I don't hold that stuff against you from B4. You know what I mean right? MWWWWAAAA *kissy noises* to you!hehe umm oh yes..Laser boy..well to my new soulmate..hehe *S* j/k N Pizzaboy..*S* you're an interesting guy dear...*S* N Lady, lady lady hypocrite you!! *S* You don't even know what that means?? Oh that's ok! I'm sure sum college will let you major in EBONICS!!!! *S* hehe j/k Sowwy. Tavy... *S* I'ma come down to Aussie just to give you a HUG hun *s*I hope when I come in Jan. we'll be able to meet n stuff..*S* I have to swim tho...a lot.. You're so sweet and you're like ALWAYS there and you ALWAYS say the right thing. No matter what. mmmmmwwwwa!!! Big kiss. *s* and..hmmm Rocky..*S* I LUV your page..*S* have you looked into those new uniforms yet? I think you should test 'em out..hehe j/K oh oh oh Space Monkey..hahah that's so funny. I LUUUV you and don'tchu worry bout your girl she'll come around. And..Maddog...I haven't seen you forever, and Rocky...Aye I miss you sumthin terrible. *s* that's what my grandma says. dink dink *s*. And Honey girl..Don'tchu worry bout Lady and stuff. And I luv Chris too between tha two of us we'll take care of him huh? *s* And...IcePak..I know I forgot..sheesh what a bimbo aye? you're like my oldest bestes buddy on here..*sigh* how dumb!!.Lemme see. lady I know you hate me and stuff but...I miss your friendship girl. So...I say truce..but whatever. Newayz, I think I covered ya'll. So I'ma go...

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