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Midi's that are on this page

In case ya wanted to know what you'r listning to.

Main page              -            MetallicA, Master of Puppets

Hakz page              -            Blink 182, D@^n it

Spooky kids hakz page  -            Maralyn Manson, Beutiful People

Our hakz page          -            TOOL, (AE)nima

Members page           -            NOFX, Leave it Alone

@li@s                  -            MetallicA, Orion

Cheshire Cat           -            Blink 182, M&Ms

Dragon Warrior         -            MxPx, Bad Hair Day

NevouS                 -            Opp. Ivy, Knowlage

Links                  -            The Offspring, All I Want

This Page              -            TOOL, 46&2
