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Verbal Effects (A list of phrases and statements made or common verbal themes.)

The verbal effects have evolved as I have learned more about the capabilities of the technology. As I now realize that any sound can be produced so that I think it is real. I now no longer trust my instincts, but relay mainly on logic regarding to the situation and what someone must really be saying, not what they want me to think they are saying. Adapting an "I don’t care what others are saying" attitude has also helped.

Initial I was given a lot of synthetic noises from surrounding apartments or from people who had their backs to me, or I them.

The most interesting synthetic sound was one that they did just to show me what they were capable of. I was driving and I visually saw an ambulance coming toward me and then pass heard the sound diminish after the ambulance had passed. A few seconds, they replayed the exact same ambulance siren sound. Just as if the ambulance was approaching me, next to me, and then passing me. Yet there was no ambulance anywhere in sight! From that day on I knew to never trust anything I heard unless I could verify it by some other means.

Today, I receive very few synthetic noises and 24 hour synthetic thoughts. I am pushed to further the efforts of TeleBio, a victims non-profit corporation, but do not know why. Since they could kill me or a family member in an instant if they wanted to, all they would have to do is threaten and I would stop any effort I was giving toward an attempt at gaining relief. They seem to be giving the opposite effect and tormenting those around me. This could be either to simply add harassment to myself or to further motivate me to spend more time with TeleBio. Nothing, though, really makes sense, which again just leads me to think that they are toying with me and do not care what I do, knowing that they have control over my actions, and those of many others. No matter who, why or where, I was given two nights of 2 hours of sleep and then told that I am to keep TeleBio going and pursue its goals and this is what I intend to do until further notice.

The thoughts that I receive are more like a one way conversation which is going on in my head and I can only listen. I am pushed to become more "mentally tough", to deny cravings, to control what I say instead of saying what ever is on my mind. In general, just to control my mind, which ironically is now run by someone else.

© Copyright. No portion may be edited or reprinted without written permission of the victim. TeleBio, 1999.