Social Effects
(A list of social effects and how they impacted you or others around you.)My circle of friends grew smaller and smaller. Obviously because no one wants to really be around someone who is suffering and who they think may be crazy. I had to quit my job (working at Wal-Mart) because I could no longer function properly. I also believe that not only do they try to hypnotize the victim, but they also try to use hypnosis on the victims friends and family to turn them against the victim. They give them simple post hypnotic commands in their sleep to feel extremely uncomfortable whenever the victim is around. They really don’t know why they feel uncomfortable whenever the victim is around but it’s the hypnosis and it’s extremely effective, turning even close friends into strangers. I also believe that they blackmail the victim’s friends and family members in some cases into compliance. Using lies or threats to turn everyone against the victim.
© Copyright. No portion may be edited or reprinted without written permission of the victim. TeleBio, 1999.