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Physical Effects


No physical effects during this time.

July 1996

During my pregnancy with my second child, they started depriving me of sleep. Immediately after my child was born, I started feeling strange physical sensations on my body.

It can be described as a poking sensation on various parts of my body. Itching.

January 1998

Things changed in January 1998. I started hearing references to "the psychiatrist." Here are the things I started experiencing:

One of the first things I noticed was a "ghost feeling" all over my body. I have no words to describe this. This "ghost feeling" can mimic my body movements. They use it on me constantly. It's very intrusive.

Vivid dreams - dreams in which an outside force takes an active part.

Sensations of heat and cold - they are able to cause extreme heat and/or cold on my body. Sometimes it's over my entire body. Occasionally, they have heated up one part of my body and at the same time made another part feel ice cold.

Muscle control - they can cause my limbs to jerk.

Auditory and olfactory senses - they can alter the taste of food and drinks. They can give food an entirely different taste, or make it totally tasteless. I've smelled odors such as sewage, skunk, alcohol, popcorn, etc. They can remove my sense of smell altogether.

Pain - frequent abdominal pain, headaches, toothaches that come and go at their will. Stinging pain in my eyes. They can make my muscles appear to be sore, as if from over-exertion.

Sleep deprivation - ongoing sleep deprivation since July 1996. If they don't keep me up all night, they'll wake me up once or twice a night. They can cause a feeling of extreme fatigue.

Memory, concentration - severely affected. If I don't write important information down immediately I'll forget them as soon as I think of them. They can make it impossible to think clearly. They are able to "stop" a thought and to "hold" a thought.

Mind - they have been experimenting with silently putting thoughts into my mind and trying to make me accept them as my own. They can cause extreme nausea.

Hallucinations - they have made me feel as if I was on some type of hallucinatory drug.

Throat - they continually put a feeling upon my throat which makes me feel as if I have to swallow. They can also make me yawn excessively.

Urination and bowel movements - they can control these. They can cause diarrhea.

Tactile - frequent itching since July 1996. They will make any liquid feel oily to the touch. Every time I wash my hair and my face, I get stinging pain in my eyes. They'll say something about having soap in my eyes and laugh. They can cause numbness, tingling and vibration on any part of my body.

Vision - I've felt since the first day that they were able to see through my eyes. They're able to cause blurred vision. A new thing they've started doing is clouding my vision, making me see as if through a fog.

Ears - I've frequently heard a ringing in one or both ears since this started in 1992. They can muffle and amplify sounds.

Respiration - they can apparently control my respiration and heart rate.

Emotions - they are able to alter my moods. They can make me feel anxious, angry, lethargic, peaceful, numb, etc. They usually make some remark about my enforced alteration of mood when they do this.

There was a period of time in early 1999 that the controllers were doing extensive experiments on me. They put me through some frightening hallucinatory experiments. In one case I was laying down on my bed while my mind was being assaulted. I couldn't breathe - I felt as if I were underwater drowning. I felt peculiar physical sensations. Near the end I heard one of the controllers remark, "She's average."

Steve, they really messed with my mind as I was filling out your survey. They also made me violently ill. I don't know what to call the "ghost feeling" I mentioned under the physical effects section. You might want to call it something else. I've read Cary Adcox describe the same effect in his story at the Mind Control Forum.

© Copyright. No portion may be edited or reprinted without written permission of the victim. TeleBio, 1999.

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