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Nuven's Gaming Page

Welcome to my gaming page! I have a few TI-83 calculator games on here for your enjoyment. Most of the games that I made are under 2k, so if you don't have a graph link, then it won't take you long to "key" them in. I also have alot of pokemon pics...and I will be getting more pokemon stuff when it is available. Please come back here often because I am constantly updating. Have fun!

Click Pickachu to hear him speak!!!

Games I have made/Misc.
NO$GMB This page has the best gameboy emulator I have ever seen!!!!
BlackJack This is my javascript game I made. Scroll down and play it.
Chatroom This Basic program allows 2 TI-83 calculators to talk to each other through the link cable.
Pokcount This program keeps track of the amount of damage your pokémon take during the card game. It also allows you to use potions, evolve and devolve your pokemon while still keeping track of your counters. It is a must have for every pokémon card player out there that have a TI-83!
Minesweeper 1.01 Yup, that's right. The name explains it all!! Everyone makes this program but not that way I do.
TI-83 Asm Program I am currently learning TI-83 Asm and will be making a game soon
Java Applet This project died...
You need this if you want to play mp3's.

I'm a Pokémon Trainer!

PLAY BLACK JACK! (By Robert Desmarais)

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15:5 O'Clock
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