My Dear Friends

These are SOME, not all, of the people who are near and dear to my heart!
  • Mariann I MISS YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!! I haven't played any hockey since you left! I think it is because I can't stand to see the court without you there!!! Although we both have ICQ, and we talk a little on it, IT JUST ISN'T THE SAME!!!! :*( I miss your pretty little smiling face, and I WANT YOU TO COME BACK TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sob*
  • Debbie I have always cherished our friendship! Now that I am out of highschool, you'd better show me the ropes!;)
  • MichelleYou are a little cutie patootie! And now everyone knows it! HUGZ AND KISSES!;)
  • Irene Blackjack, hookers, and gummi bears for EVERYONE!!!! It has been a blast making fun of everyone all year, you keep the insane part of me alive every day!
  • Seth I am so glad that I met you in NY! Fart buckets ARE the perfect icebreaker! What is YOUR favorite color?
  • Melanie G-H A kick in the shins babe! Gov't and Econ baby! :)
  • Lara You are so talented bae! You will rule the school next year! :) Go easy on them!
  • Sandy Finally out of school...and econ!! YAY! Kick in the shins! :)
  • Sarah S. You are MY beanie baby! I love you sweety and you are the best! I missed you this year!
  • Kristen MC ROP and SF, how much more fun could we have had? Love you baby!
  • Korine I am so glad I met you in Oahi...who'd have thought Kurt's flirting with Erin would cause us to meet and be such great friends! :)
  • David B I'm as confusing as you are talkative. :)
  • Julia Musicals will never be the same! Thanks for helping me decorate my room with you know what posters! :)
  • Daryl AKA big DMy new friend from the UK. Butt Head, you are just an all around great guy! It has been nice getting to know you, those mail order asian bride catologs need to come with pictures next time, don'tcha think? ;)
  • Brett Let;s not forget the fun times we shared! :) I'll always consider you one of my friends, no matter what! :)
  • Matt H. I finnaly got off my as and put you up! Aren't you proud of me! Well, it has been and fun and INTERESTING year. We are finally out of Big Yellow HELL! :)
  • Melody I still miss you being there everyday for me! You will always be one of my favorite friends! ;)
  • John B Barbershop rules baby! You are such a great guy, and all I have to say is, live up to my yearbook message! :) I know you won't have a prob with that! :)
  • Trixxie You know to keep reaching for THAT "star!" *If you are looking at the pic, she is the one on the far right, all in black.
  • James Roach If anyone is looking at this pic, well i tis him A LONG time ago...Well James, you are like my little bro, andthat means I can beat on your I never did before! :) Take care, and have a great Senior YEAR!
  • Skooter You're sick, but that is why I like ya! Heehee, keep it up!
  • David and Sharon Well of course for David...TITTLE!! The inspiration of an entire page on my website! And Sharon, I've always loved working with you, and I'm gonna miss you severely! :) Don't ever forget me, I know you won't but, STILL! :) I'll come visit! *she is the one on the right!
  • Christina I don't have any idea how I could have forgotten you!! That is a sin within itself! I am sooo sorry! But here you are now, and I don't know what I'd do without you!! ;) *hugz*
  • Bryan I am very sorry for that misunderstanding bud! I knew that there were people I was forgetting, but I still love you! And now you are high on the list!!!!! ;)
  • Cliff You are sucha great guy buddy! :) We rocked you in Bomberman buddy!
  • Ken My bomberman partner! We rock the house baby! :) Econ and Gov't...that is all I can say!
  • Liz You are my caring rose! Love ya to death! *hugs*
  • Matt You have always been here for moi, and I appriciate that! You are such a great guy, and you deserve the best. If anyone breaks your heart, tell me, and I'll kill them! :) Mads rocked, but only cuz we were in it...REMEMBER THAT!!!! *hugz* :)
  • Kyra and John A. You guys are the best! Kyra needs to stop talkign up all the bus seat room tho! :)
  • James Hey hun, I'm always here for you! *hug*
  • Ben & Tim K. You guys are great, I love you!
  • Prospal You know big bro, that you are one of the coolest people I know. Remember: Don't drink in front of me! ;)
  • Ashley from HC You are so perfect in every way!!! You are so like me in so many ways, and we don't even know it! ;)
  • Casey You are my defenseman!! Except no substitutions!!! My Chris Chelios incarnate friend!! You have proven yourself worthy of getting your own title, and you have moved up the chart. :)
  • Mike You ARE Satan! But at least you are always willing to talk, maybe not answer, but you at least listen...I hope. ;)
  • Russian Freak boy You listen to my crap and help me with my problems! You are an awsome guy! Stay that way!
  • Jazz As mature as I may seem, I do like all this blood on my page! *evin grin* Stay cool in Africa!
  • Superdave this page would never have existed! I owe ya a lot! ;) Thanx!
  • You always tell me the little secrets about HC and without that info,
  • Murad To my mutt friend, keep up that art work. I like how you posted your drawings on your site, they are awsome! ;) P.S. For those of you looking at the pic of Murad, he is the one on the left.
  • Jess You know you are important!! That is why you is up high!! GO AVS!! ]:0} *hugs* ;)
  • 08ozo Without you, HC would be very...very...boring!! *hugs* ;)
  • Jeanette & Maryann You both make my mornings ever so brighter! Without you guys, my confidence in myself about my acting wouldn't have been so high. Thanx a lot! *hugs*
  • Kristin Silver hair just isn't in anymore hun! It was great getting to know you this year even better. You got yourself into one BIG...mess! ;)
  • Mel Mel Isn't it cool to see your name on a cool page like this?? Well, I guess not, since the page isn't even THAT good...but who cares! You still coo! ;)
  • Darcy Ahhhh, my crazy friend. You make PE more......intersting. Stay sane! ;)
  • Cnidae & Per You both saved my grades!! Not to mention your great personalities, and...haha, cute baby pix. ;)
  • Nagz You need to write more e-mail, cuz whenever I try to see ya in HC, you are always leaving or have already left. Yeesh! ;)
  • Corey & Phil & Tim You all three suck! Not to mention none of you can play hockey worth crud! j/k...but you still suck! ;) Love you guys!
  • Kenny My HC friend, you always cxome and visit my site, make links to it and actually like my site. I consider you very cool and awesome for that! Thanx a lot bud! ;)
  • Bill & Jana Last, but not least, two of the most influential people in my life. With out you guys, my life, and the lives of others would be totally different. Thanx soooo much! *hugs*
  • If you don't see your name here, and you really really really want it there, tell me and I'll fix it! ;)

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