All About Me!

Yes, that is a pic of me! I am 17, but here is something even more shocking...I was 14 when it was taken. Here is some more info.
  • Age=17
  • Grade=I'm a graduate baby!
  • Height=5 foot
  • Weight=104 lbs
  • Hair color=blonde...yes it IS natural!!!
  • Eyes=Blue
  • Fav sport=Hockey
  • Fav team= Colorado Avalanche
  • Fav position=goalie
  • Pets=Brutus *dog, Yorkshire terrier* Rusty *dog, Golden Retriever*

    updated 6/14/2000

    It is about time that i updated eh? It's been a year, a LONG year! :) Here are my Senior portaits as well! ;)

    I This is one of the posters I have hanging on my wall in my room. And you guys doubted that I like this show...oh puh-leeeeze! ;)

    Here is a pic of me and Mariann. To all of you people out there that said that we didn't know each other, and we weren't best friends, well ttttthhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuupppppppp to you!! ;p

    Here is Rusty. I love her so much!! She is very hyper, she chews on eveything, but she is my baby!

    This is my other puppy Brutus, he is my mom's dog and only comes to other people if she leaves. I got back at him, I was the one to give him his haircut this time, I SHAVED HIM!!! I did a good job, but he is really cold, and spazzes all the time.

    Here is a pic of my Fam. Me, my Dad, my Mom, and in front my little sis Diane

    Here is a pic of our Shakespeare play, "Hamelt." Hamlet was played by my friend Cliff; The King, Matt; Brett is the orange one! ;) He played Guildenstern; The big red guy who looks like he fell down the stairs is Jason; The only one who survived this whole ordeal was David, he is by the king in black; and The girl in green looking over him is my friend Robin. I know that isn't all of them, but hey!

    This was our play "The night of January 16th." David is the man standing to the far left; the rest of the crew there are jury members.

    Here are all of us dressed in our aquarium players costumes. We dress up and talk to the people before they go into the aquarium.

    Here is one of the musicals we did last year. This was an all guys play exept 2 girls. This was 1776, you may have heard some of the midi's around my site, like the links page. Brett was John Hancock; Matt was John Adams; John was John Dickenson; Mike was Ben Franklin; Cliff was Thomas Jefferson; James was the Courier; And where was David? In the light booth!! ;)

    And here was the musical I was in: Quilters. This is a pic of the seven leads, there names are: (left to right) Sandy as Jody; Amanda as Jane; Erin as Jenny; Kristin as Sarah; Melissa as Margare; Irene as Lisa; and ME as Dana. *wasn't I cute?* And where is David? Well, he isn't a girl so he couldn't be in it!!

    Here's a pic of the Crucible: The girl standing up is Carrie, then from left to right is me, Jenny, and then Nezzy.

    Here is a pic of me and my friends at Winter Ball in 97' From left to right: Jasmine, Michelle, Mariann, Me, Christina, Robin. Not the same Robin from Hamlet though.

    Here is a pic of the Women's Barbershop Quartet. If you are wondering why we are dressed so weird, well we were doing a dinner show, and those were our costumes. (A Christmas Carol) L to R: Sarah Stults-Tenor; Julia Jones-Lead; Me-Bass; Irene Flores-Baritone.

    Wasn't I just the cutest little thing???

    Senior Portraits!

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