Rennaissance Faires

Renaissance Faires are probably the funnest thing that we were able to do as Madrigals at Cabrillo.

We saw a ton of crazy things there. Like a dunk tank, water squirting pirates, and a whole lot of drunk people! :) They were the funnest part though! Were else, could you drink until you are about to pass out, and still have a great time? That was off limits to us younger folk, but it sure was fun to watch!

We also camped out at the faires. We hitched up pur tents and spent the night in the woods with those hooligans! :) We didn't get much sleep, I tell you what! :)

All of the pictures of the Madrigals, are us just hanging around camp...we got tired and hot really easily, and had to take frequent breaks!

Here is a picture of Julia with "Popcorn Boy." Rightfully dubbed, since he worked in the Kettle Korn selling it! :)

Here is a pic of me setting up our tent in Oahi. Lani and I were the only ones that knew how to set it Erin looks on in confusion...or is it amazement? ;)

We also met a lot of guildes there. The two best ones were the Black Griffins, and St. Elizabeth's Guilde. The Griffins were a band of pirates, and actually one of the Madrigals was inducted when we met them in Oahi. St. Elizabeth's Guilde is the Queen's guilde. They travel everywhere in California, putting on their shows, and inspiring thier audiences. They will actually grace us this year at our very own Flower Festival.

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