Choir Trips and Things for 2000!

We do many things over the course of the year in choir. Competitions, concerts, and tons of other stuff. * NOTE: If any of the pics don't load or are broken, right mouse click and choose Show Picture, they WILL come up!!!

This year the Madrigals went to New York and sang at Carnegie Hall. That was probably the best thing that I've ever gotten to be a part of. We worked under Miastro John Paul Johnson, an incredible man. We sang pieces from Dello Joio: A Psalm of David, and Riepe: And Into That Gate. The Riepe piece was written especially for Mr. Johnson and was a world premire when we sang it. I also was able to meet a lot of other kids from Washington state, Idaho, and Texas. I would have to say, that NY was definitely a turning point in my life. I will never forget any detail about it! :)

Here are a few pics, me being a hooker for Julia, some of the Mads having fun, and a few of the friends I met!

I'm a pretend hooker for Julia.

Oh look, there I am again! :)

Me and my Madrigal buddy Becca in the airport.

My Mad pals Robin and Jason.

This is Seth. The sweetest most gorgeous guy on the face of this planet! I met him there, he was part of a different group that was from Idaho, and I wish he didn't live so damn far away! ;)

This is my pal Nate. He was a crazy guy, and he was from the Washington group.

These are Sharon's guys with me, her and Ashley. Their names were Joe and Brandon. They were from Washington too! :)

This is Becca, Julia, and Matt at Bricco's after we sang at Carnegie Hall. We had veal was nasty! >:P

Here is Sharon and I posing with a real life NYPD officer. He looks a little like Carson Daly, doesn't he? He was REALLY nice!

Erin, Daniel, and Steph chillin' on the cruise after Carnegie. They must have been tired after all that funky dancing! :)

Ashley and Sharon hugging on the boat after dinner.

Now onto our competitions. All of our groups, Women's barbershop quartet, Men's barbershop quartet, Concert choir, Madrigals, and Freshman choir all placed Silver in San Francisco. We all had a least one song that was our downfall...who'd of thought?? :) It was freaky! Here are a few pics of the bus ride and other things we did there.

Isaac, Alissa, and Becca playing with the monkey they got at the pier.

Could you tell that Matt and John were tired on the way home?

Well here they are about 10 minutes later! :)

Me, Kristen, and Brooke got to meet FORREST GUMP! Well, at least the guy that plays him in the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. place in San Fran. He even gave us chocolates!

Matt got a little to close to David's Cheerios bee, that he won at Great America.


Me and Dan, Brooke and Dan, Erin and Dan, and Stephanie and Dan. We all got a little piece of the action! ;P

We all must have tired him out...Daniel fell asleep on the bus floor. :)

Jason and Robin kicking back on the bus...where else could we go?

Ashley, David, Clea, and it bedtime yet?

Brooke, Steph, Brian, and Me peeking over the back seat of Kristen's chair.

ATTACK OF THE KILLER TONSILS! :) Hehe, Steph was a little seat monster trying to get me and Brooke...the blinding light scared her off...we were safe! :)

Charles and Kristen listening to tunes in front of us.

Stephanie and Brian TRYING to sleep in a tiny cramped try doing that when you are 6'3! :)

Amanda and Brett chillin in the WAY back of the bus, right next to the hot heater...glad I wasn't there! :)

What is Daniel trying to say?? The world will still never know! :)

Alissa and Matt making funny faces at me!

Let's just say that Brooke and I were sick of the camera by the end of the stay! :)

Our Spring Concert was a complete success! Everyone did so great, and my babies, the Freshman choir, did me so proud! :*) *sniff* Here are a few pics form the concert.

Here we are the women's barberhsop quartet...the Spaz Wagons...Amanda: Tenor, Becca: Lead, Me: Bass, Robin: Bari.

Here are my Freshman performing Rhythm of Life. They were so together it was beautiful! :)

John playing the piano and singing the song he wrote.

Julia, playing piano, Becca and James singing along to a song Julia re-wrote.

Me singing my solo for Godspell...why are my eyes closed?? Stupid flash! :)

The men's barbershop quartet. Matt: Bari, dressed at a real barberhsopper; Charles: Bass, dressed as a tennis player; John: Lead, dressed as a golfer; and Jason: Tenor, dressed as a soccer player.

Here are a few of us in the Girl's Barbershop Chorus.

Here is the Boy's Chorus singing Mary Lou, Brett is Mary, and s"he" likes to show some leg! :)

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