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NFL Blitz

NFL Blitz

In the world of gaming there are numerous copycat games. Tetris copies, racing copies, and one of the worst football copies. I mean, how do you make a football game that isn’t at least partially a copy of another of its brethren? This game does.

Blitz’s sound is average, and has some tunes that are okay, but nothing spectacular. The sound effects are great, however, with grunting, screams of pain, and an announcer who liable to say, “What the hell is wrong with that guy?” “He’s going postal!” and “That was totally uncalled for, but it was a ton of fun to watch.” The announcer adds a lot of spark to this already bright game.

The graphics aren’t the N64’s best, but are feasible, depicting steroid laden football players with 20 inch biceps. The graphics are easy to follow, and really aren’t necessary for this game, and don’t clutter the screen.

The gameplay is downright hilarious. Like NBA Jam, in Arcade mode, you enter your name for records, and you try to advance through 30 “tiered” teams. A team of 5 has four downs to advance the football 30 yards, and there are NO penalties. This means body-slamming the quarterback after the play is over, throwing a running-back, and then jumping on him for fun. The controls are rather simple, (i.e., my dad, who hasn’t really played a game since Atari, can play) and let you concentrate on the fun. Also, you can play multiplayer, which is a blast as well. Season play lets you advance through a season, which is also fun.

I absolutely LOVE NFL Blitz, and recommend it to any fan of good videogaming. This game receives a 4 of 5, because it is hilarious gameplay, but may not have great replay value.

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