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N64 Cheats

AT-ST Bonus Level

To access the secret Chicken Walker (AT-ST) bonus level enter the password CHICKEN.

All Power-Ups

Enter the word TOUGHGUY at the password screen to get all power-ups.

At the Movies and Concert Hall Enter DIRECTOR on the Passcodes screen, and it will take you to a black screen. Highlight BACK to complete the code. Go back to the Passcodes screen and enter MAESTRO. and it will take you back to the same black screen you were on earlier, but this time you will ba able to acess both the AT THE MOVIES and CONCERT HALL options.

Battle of Hoth

Finish all levels with a GOLD medal and you will be able to play the third (and best) bonus mission: The original Battle of Hoth. Your craft of choice is the Snowspeeder.

Bearded Man on Title Screen

On the Passcodes screen, enter HARDROCK. Next, go back to the screen where Luke is climbing out of his X-Wing. Wait a minute (or through the first demo). Luke's face will be replaced by a bearded man's face.

Beggar's Canyon

Here's your chance to fly a T-16 Skyhopper on Luke's homeworld, Tatooine. As soon as you finish all missions with at least a BRONZE medal, you can take on your buddies in a peaceful race through Beggar's Canyon.

Credits Cheat

Enter the word CREDITS at the Password Menu and you will be able to watch the Star Wars style Factor 5/LucasArts credits, accompanied by a Rogue music medley.

Death Star Trench Run

As a little hidden bonus, the developers of Rogue Squadron included the Death Star trench run from A New Hope as an extra mission in the game. How do you get it? Beat the game getting SILVER Medals on each level.

Drive a Cadillac

In the passcodes screen type in KOELSCH (beer from Cologne) and pick a mission where you can fly the V-Wing. You will be able to fly a black Cadillac.

NOTE: If you pause the game while using the Cadillac the game will lock up.

Fly the Millennium Falcon

Enter the following password at the password screen: FARMBOY. You can now select the Millennium Falcon in certain missions.

Fly the TIE Interceptor

To get your hands on a hijacked TIE Interceptor, enter the password TIEDUP at the password screen. The TIE Interceptor is hidden behind the Millenium Falcon in the hangar. You need to push up on the stick to get to it.

Increase Difficulty

So the game is too easy for you, huh? Why don't you enter the word ACE at the password screen and see what happens?

Infinite Lives Code

With Rogue Squadron's insane learning curve, the following code certainly helps a lot. Enter the word IGIVEUP at the password screen for infinite lives.

Level Select

Type DEADDACK in the passcodes to get all levels including the three bonus levels.

Music Menu and Ship Gallery

Since Rogue Squadron includes tons of cool Star Wars tunes, the designers of the game didn't forget to put in a hidden "music test" to let you listen to all of them. In Rogue, you will also be treated to spinning models of the ships while you listen to the music. Simply enter MAESTRO at the password screen (use it in conjunction with the DIRECTOR code) and you will get a new option.

Producers' Photos

Enter the password BLAMEUS to view pictures of the producers.

Radar Code

Ever notice how the radar in Rogue Squadron doesn't work like a "real" radar? If you go to the Passwords menu and enter the word "RADAR", it switches to a different mode, where the object with higher altitudes are displayed brighter than low-flying ships.

Watch All Cut-scenes

If you want to see all the cut-scenes in their order of appearance (minus the bonus mission ones), type in the word DIRECTOR at the password screen.
