I learned about him, many years ago,

Today there is still much I do not know,

But even his disciples could not mistake,

God's presence before them when he walked on the lake,

The miracles performed when he cured the blind,

Or the saving grace he brought to mankind,

The lepers he cured, I read in the book of Luke,

All this and still he was rebuked

The wedding in Cana, when he turned the water to wine,

Or when he cast out demons into a herd of swine,

How could they not feel his saving grace?

And know he came to take our place,

To atone for our sins that we might receive,

A place In God's heavenly kingdom if only we believe.

To me it is inconceivable, when I read the Bible and see,

The immeasurable amount of love he has for humanity,

That God was willing to give his only son,

And that many do not know, Jesus was the one.

Each day I become more mystified,

By the blessings I receive,

For each day he continues to walk with me,

 This is what I believe,

That he is always with us, no matter where we may go,

And of all things I have yet to learn there is one that I do know,

My life is a continual walk in faith,

Trying to be a better Christian each day,

I know with my love and faith in God,

He will continue to show me the way.

So many things I still do not know,

As I walk in my faith each day,

I pray our Lord Jesus will guide me,

And teach me along the way.


By: Billy Dial

©Copyright 2003 Billy Dial 

Used with permission



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