

Scripture Reading: Deut 20

When I go to war against our "enemies" and see them as larger than I am, I am not to be afraid, because God will be with me.  This message is given over and over in the scriptures, and as I read through the Old testament, it jumps out at me every time.  This is an encouragement to me to keep "hearing" it.  

When we face huge a battle and look at the opposition and circumstances, we could easily get discouraged and fearful.  As long as we keep our eyes on Jesus, and remember God's promises, we can continue to "fight."  If we keep our focus on our problems, we lose sight of Christ.

Deut 23: 12- 14

It is important to keep even our physical cleanliness up - and this is a great example!!  We are to take the time, even during battle, to take care our our bodies and our living space.  

"For the Lord your God moves about in your camp to protect you and to deliver your enemies to you.  Your camp must be holy, so that He will not see among you anything indecent and turn away from you."  These things may not seem important on a spiritual plane to us, but they are to Him.  If we are so intent in our spiritual battles that we are neglecting the our physical aspect, then we are not trusting Him.  He expects us to take the time and resources that He supplies to us to take care of ourselves.  He expects us to trust Him to be on guard for us! 

What a picture - Jesus walking through my house and seeing if where I live is holy.  

WOW!  He does work among us to protect us.  

Why do we so easily get our priorities so mixed up?

Father, help us keep our eyes focused on you.  Teach us to make your priorities our priorities.  Forgive us when we get so distracted by the problems we have that we take our eyes off of you.  Keep our minds open to your leading and lead us into your holy place.  I pray we will strive to make our homes the place you would have them be - not out of fear, but out of our love for you.  Thank you for your deep love for us!  In Jesus' name, Amen.

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