WelcomeandMerry Christmas |
Oh, if we could just
have the innocent wonder of Christmas that children have. If we
could find joy in the little things......
the hug from an unexpected friend...
simple songs from the heart... (how often do we hear the songs children make up? how can we not smile at that?) |
quiet words of love
a new adventure (or "interruption") of any kind... |
A light shining in the darkness.. no matter how small... |
a touch of the Comforter's hand... |
the little "owies' in life...with a tender healing touch ...
"work" to be done... |
little critters.... |
a good book... |
And what do you see now that you hadn't found joy in before?
and I will add more!
Joy To The World...music provided by
for the Songs Of Praise Christmas page