two words may seem so small and convey little meaning at all.
Yet I want to tell you my heart and let you know you've touched
mine. I live in the land of the free and know it's because you
and many others have made personal sacrifices for me to be able to
do that. I want you to know how very much I appreciate the
work you do defending our country. I thank you for the
time away from your own family you give so I may be with mine.
I want
you to know as I walk our streets free from fear or terror I know I
have you to thank. When I attend my church services and talk
freely about my faith in God, I also express my thanks to you for
making this possible. I do not take for granted what you have
made possible to me.
As I
watch and hear of people protesting the work you are doing, my heart
breaks. How can these people not see that if you were not
doing what you do, they would have no freedom to express their
opinions, much less so publicly. How blind can they be?
I pray they will not hurt nor discourage you, and that someday, they
too will come to you full of gratitude for your service to their
country. I pray also that many of these will soon chose to
serve their county rather than complain about those who do.
So as
you face the battle each day, please know I am praying for you and
all who are serving with you. I am asking God to pour out His
blessings on you and your families. I ask Him to keep you safe
and to fill you with His love and peace. And I thank Him that
I am able to come to Him on your behalf! We may never meet
face to face, but I consider you my dear friend and will forever be
indebted to you for your service!
May God
bless you!
In deep
humbled and grateful citizen