The Transgression Of Betrayal

   The last few weeks my life has been turned upside down by another person's self absorption...making me truly evaluate my own life in search of any selfish areas.   The acts of betrayal have driven me to God's waiting arms, and I have been gently comforted by Him, my true Husband.  Today as I spent time alone with Him, I found an especially poignant devotion I want to remember and to share.
We all have wandered away like sheep; each of us has gone his own way.
Isa 53:6
  Adam and Eve turned their heads toward the hiss of the snake and for the first time ignored God.  Eve did not ask, "God, what do you want?"  Adam didn't suggest, "Let's consult the creator."  They acted as if they had no heavenly Father.  His will was ignored, and sin, with death on its coattails, entered the world.
  Sin sees the world with no God in it.
  Where we might think of sin as slip-ups or missteps, God views sin as a godless attitude that leads to godless actions.  "We all have wandered like sheep; each of us has gone his own way."  The sinful mind dismisses God.  his counsel goes unconsulted.  His opinion, unsolicited.
  The lack of God-centeredness leads to self-centeredness.  Sin celebrates its middle letter - SIN.
                                                                          Max Lucado - from Come Thirsty
  I am learning first hand a new dimension of pain and as I learn of it, I learn more from the Great Physician.  I know His hand is healing me even as the pain is inflicting me.    Yet I am also being reminded of the terrible betrayal of Jesus and how very, very alone He must have felt.  What I am feeling now can't even compare to what He went through as He waited his crucifixion. I don't know what is ahead for me, nor really even what all the betrayl has entailed;  Jesus knew beforehand every  word and action of His betrayer, every ounce of pain He would suffer, and He would at one point not even have the Father's presence with Him.  Tonight I read through Isaiah 53 with tears rolling down my cheeks and sobs shaking my very being.  What an incredible love!  Read it with me, and as you do, remember not only was this written many years before He even came to earth, but that He knew exactly what He was getting into for OUR SINS!  INCREDIBLE!

Isaiah 53


1 Who would have believed what we heard?

   Who saw the LORD’S power in this?

2 He grew up like a small plant before the LORD,

   like a root growing in a dry land.

He had no special beauty or form to make us notice him;

   there was nothing in his appearance to make us desire him.

3 He was hated and rejected by people.

   He had much pain and suffering.

People would not even look at him.

  He was hated, and we didn’t even notice him.

4 But he took our suffering on him

   and felt our pain for us.

We saw his suffering

  and thought God was punishing him.

5 But he was wounded for the wrong we did;

  he was crushed for the evil we did.

The punishment, which made us well, was given to him,

   and we are healed because of his wounds.

6 We all have wandered away like sheep;

   each of us has gone his own way.

But the LORD has put on him the punishment

   for all the evil we have done.

7 He was beaten down and punished,

    but he didn’t say a word.

He was like a lamb being led to be killed.

   He was quiet, as a sheep is quiet while its wool is being cut;

   never opened his mouth.

8 Men took him away roughly and unfairly.

   He died without children to continue his family.

   He was put to death;

   he was punished for the sins of my people.

9 He was buried with wicked men,

   and he died with the rich.

He had done nothing wrong,

   and he had never lied.

10 But it was the LORD who decided

   to crush him and make him suffer.

The LORD made his life a penalty offering,

   but he will still see his descendants and live a long life.

   He will complete the things the LORD wants him to do.

11 "After his soul suffers many things,

   he will see life and be satisfied.

My good servant will make many people right with God;

   he will carry away their sins.

12 For this reason I will make him a great man among people,

  and he will share in all things with those who are strong.

He willingly gave his life

  and was treated like a criminal.

But he carried away the sins of many people

                              and asked forgiveness for those who sinned."

New Century Version



How dare I even think about feeling sorry for myself in my time of being betrayed.  Instead, may I become more like Christ and let Him show me how to LIVE through this and bring HIM the glory!  Amen! 





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