Claus Heinrich Koester was born December 28, 1797 in Kirchweyhe, Germany. He married Anne Margarethe Mattfeld on December 30,1818 in Kirchweyhe.
There were probably more children, but we have record of only Elizabeth Koester.
Elizabeth Koester was born to this union on October 2, 1824 in Sudwehe, Germany. She was married to Johann Heinrich Voigt. Later divorced. She then married Johann Heinrich Meyer. According to her obituary, she came to America in 1886, Johann had already passed away. Elizabeth died in 1896 in Williamsburg, Iowa, Iowa at the home of her son Herman Meyer.
Claus Koester was born on April 1850 in Germany. Claus came to America but the exact date is not known. He married Mary Griffin on June 19, 1884.
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