"...What a delight it was having you (ROYSTON)
perform at the Magic Castle...you were very well
received, and we look forward to having you back
in the very near future."
William Larsen; President-Academy of Magical Arts
"...ROYSTON was without a doubt, pure magic...he
turned gloom to glitter, not only for one night, but
for every evening when the children's memories draw
up a little smile...He is a fine entertainer, and a
talented artist of illusion."
Kelly Milner-Halls; Coordinator-Colorado YMCA
"...ROYSTON works the room (Club Majiks) performing
beffudling acts of close-up magic. His slight of hand
was the best."
Michael Kiefer; Entertainment Reporter-
Snow Country Magazine
"...The only time the audience was quiet, was when
they were spellbound by the magic of ROYSTON...
His silly jokes actually work, since he has the talent
to back them up."
Joanna Dodder; Entertainment Reporter-
Steamboat Pilot