"God loves you, even if you don't believe in him."-Renae LeBerge- "In absence of love, one finds that NOTHING is trivial."-?- "Don't criticize what you don't understand"-Bob Dylan- "If I could, through myself, set your spirit free, I'd lead your heart away."-U2- "Never be sad for what is over, just be glad it was once yours"-?- "It's kind of fun to do the impossible."-Walt Disney- "We are responsible for the memories we hold in our heart."-?- "Words are useless, espically in sentences. They don't stand for anything, How can they explain how I feel?"-Bjork- "People think winners don't fall, but you have to fall to learn."-Oksana Baiul- "It's better to die on your feet, than live a lifetime on your knees."-?- "Try to reason about love and you lose your reason."-French Proverb- "A friend is a friend regardless of distance or time spent apart."-?- "The question is not what you looked at, but what you saw."-Thoreau- "Cry for the eye that has cried for you."-Gabra Proverb- "It's not how tall you are, it's whether or not people can look up to you."-?- "An eye for an eye makes everyone blind."-?- "Life's not always easy, DON'T think it's not worth living."-Corby Ferris- "Cry without weeping, talk without speaking, scream without raising your voice."-Kyla Frick- "Think in shades of gray, act in black and white, dream in color!"-LVU-