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Nique News

Here is where I put all my Nique News so take a look!It is the best there is!Updated when the news comes in!
Dominique Moceanu Sues Parents
HOUSTON (Oct.21,98)- For months,Dominique Moceanu argued with her parents, trying to find out where all her money was going. She never got any answers. Now the Olympic gymnast has spilt from her parents. She is hiding out from them and hired a lawyer. She is 17 years old and wants to be declared an adult so she can claim her earnings. "I kill myself training and going to school, and what is he doing with my money?" Moceanu said in Houston Chriocle on Wednesday, referring to her father."They haven't been working since 1996. Where has their income come from? Me." Her father threatened over the weekend to have her beloved Romanian coach deported. That was enough to send her to the office of her lawyer Roy Moore.On Monday, he asked a court to declare the gymnast an adult. Moore said neither he nor his client knows how much money she has earned or how much money she has lost. But Moore said a trust that had been all set up for her is gone. Moore suspects that trust bankrolled a $4 million gym and other ventures, including a clothing outlet, under the Moceanu Gymnastics Inc. business title. If she is declared an adult, Moceanu would be intitled to the earnings from the businesses. A temporany restraining order was isseued Monday to keep the gymnast's parents from her at least until a November. 11 hearing. Calls from The Assoriated Press to the parents, Dumitru and Camelia Moceanu, at the Houston Gym and their home were not returned Wed.
New News!
Dominique Moceanu's coach is no longer offically employed of Moceanu Gymnastics,Inc.
