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Constellation-class Starship

Constellation-class Starship

Type of Federation spacecraft to shich Picard's former command, the Stargazer, belonged. Similar in overall size to the Constitution-class ship, the Constellation-class ships were equipped with four warp nacelles and were thus suited for deep-space exploration and defensive patrol duties. Ships of this type have included: The first Constellation-class ship seen, Stargazer was origionally planned to be a Constitution-class ship, allowing the visual effects staff to make use of the existing movie Enterprise model. The producers did not make the decision to build a new model fot the Stargazer until after the episode was filmed with LeVar Burton calling it a Constitution-class ship. The choice of the name Constellation was based largely on the fact that it could be dubbed over Geordi's line since the two words are so similar. One might conjecture that the U.S.S. Constellation was named in honor of Commodore Matt Decker's ship, destroyed in "The Doomsday Machine" (TOS).


Classes of ships in the Federation

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