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Soyuz-class Starship

A variant on the Miranda-class starship used by Starfleet. Soyuz-class starships featured an enlarged aft cargo and shuttlebay section, as well as several large outboard sensor pods. The Soyuz-class starship was withdrawn from service by Starfleet in 2288. The U.S.S. Bozeman (NCC-1941),thought to be lost, was a Soyuz-class starship. It was originally hoped that a new design could be devoloped for the Soyuz-class starship, but practical considerations dictated the reworking of the existing Miranda-class starship model originally built for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. The modifications were designed by Greg Jein and Mike Okuda. The class was named for the Russian spacecraft that shuttled comonauts up to the Salyut and Mir space stations.


Classes of ships in the Federation

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