StocdaleCocker SpanielsCaparica - Portugal |
Breeder/Criador: Mrs. J. Marris-Bray; Owner/Proprietário: Carlos Farinha dos Santos (f. 1999)
Black/Preto, Male/Macho, born/nascido 95.10.08 - L.O.P. 138 571
(Sh. Ch. Port. Ch., J.W.
Helenwood Country Cousin x Port
Ch Stocdale Fatal Attraction )
Carlos Farinha dos Santos
«Cocker Spaniel of the Year» '97, '98 &
«Best of VIII Group» '99
«Champion of Champions» '98
In 1999/2000:
14 x BOB * 7 x CCC * 10 x CACIB * 4 x RCACIB * 4 x BOG * 2 x RBOG * 1 x B.I.S. & 2 x RBIS
Male/Macho, b./n. 97/08/28 - LOP 175876
(Port Ch Stocdale Hot Lips
x Chataway Elusive Dreams)
Breeder/Criador: Carlos
Farinha dos Santos
5 x CAC * 2 x RCAC * 1 x CACIB * 2 x RCACIB
b./n.: 99/03/03, Male/Macho, Black/Preto
(Port Ch Stocdale Red Lips
x Stocdale Lot's of Love)
Breeder/Criadora: Mrs. Maria
Ernestina de Bragança
Since September 2000, in
Portugal, Spain and France:
Desde Setembro de 2000 em Portugal, Espanha e França:
12 x Excellent * 1 x CAC-QC * 7 x CAC * 1 x RCAC-QC * 2 x CACIB * 3 x RCACIB * 2 x BoS * 2 x B.O.B. * 1 x B.o.G. VIII * 1 x R.B.I.S.
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Webmaster: J. V. de Bragança
Last updated: February 2002
©1999-2002 - Stocdale/Tinita de Bragança