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Hello, My name is Tammy but the chatters that I have met on the internet call me RAINBOW. I met some of my chat friends on Aleene's Chat room. I first got online in August 1997, and have been there daily since, lol. I have met others on MIRC. I am known as CO_RAINBO on Mirc. I even have my own room on the undernet it's #coroom (This is the web page for our room and also lets you join my room without having mirc).......if you are on there please be sure to stop by and say hi.

I am a married 33 year old mother of two boys. Jesse is 15 and Justin is 11. We live in Colorado on 40 acres, 30 miles east of Colorado Springs. We are seven miles to the closest town. Our closet neighbor is about 1 acre away. I was born in Oregon. We moved to Colorado, then to Ohio and back here all by the time I was seven. I have lived in Colorado for 28 years and love it. We have a great view of Pikes Peak from our back door.

I was raised in the city but we moved out here 2 years ago and I hope I don't have to ever move back to town!!

I craft padded photo albums, tree top angels and gift baskets mostly. I am currently teaching myself to paint. I have taken cake decorating classes, sewing classes and misc. Native American Spirituality classes. I love crafting, chatting and shopping!!

I collect rainbows, Unicorns and glass animals and am currently collecting my animal totems. I have 9 of them ;