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Meet Isaac,

The stuff on Ike, the oldest member of Hanson... Name: Clarke Isaac Hanson Nickname: Ike Birthdate: November 17, 1980 Zodiac Sign: scorpio (private, leader, creative, intense) Height: 5'11 Eyes: brown Weight: 130 lbs. Hair Color: dark blonde, some say brown Shoe Size: 14 Dating status:isn't looking for a girlfriend right at the moment; has been kissed Position In Band: guitar, piano, sings both background and lead vocals Personality: sensitive, goofy, and intelligent. Zac says Ike's romantic and always wants to love a girl Worst Habit: biting his fingernails Favorite Color: green Favorite Food: spaghetti and lasagna (pastas) Favorite Candy Bar: Heath Bar Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: vanilla Favorite TV Shows: Seinfield, Single Guy Favorite Actors: Mel Gibson, Arnold Schwartzeneger, Harrison Ford Favorite Subject: Science Hobbies: sccer, rollerblading, basketball, and rollerhockey Favorite Music Groups: Counting Crows, Spin Doctors, Billy Joel, Alanis Morrissette, Natalie Merchant, No Doubt, and Blues Traveler. He also likes the original rock and roll artists Talents: can imitate Butthead, Bullwinkle, and Kermit the Frog Current Crushes: right now he (supposedly)has his eye on Pamela Lee (Pamela Anderson) More Stuff Ike is Right Handed Ike has braces the clear ones, just so cute...) Most athletic one in the group been writing a science fiction novel for the past two years (a singer and a writer. go ike.) Been song-writing since grade 3 When he was younger Taylor poured glue on Ike's hair and he had to shave his head to get it out. (are you sure?) got his first guitar at a pawn shop he's very loyal and says "I'd make a good boyfriend." sleeps on the top part of a bunk bed he shares with Tay and Zac has his drivers license All the guys have a big lego collection, and Ike thinks old legos are cool but new ones aren't that spicy... Tay says Ike is the kind of guy that would get married in 3rd grade (and he didn't because...? j/k) wears silver ring wants a new corvette *Loves* his brown leather jacket Tay and Zac say his face looks like Chewbacca from Star Wars (yep, they're borthers all right) Apparently names his guitars after girls he likes, he has a guitar named Hannah and one named Kesha but at the moment his guitar is nameless Wrote his first song in 3rd Grade called "Rain Falling Down" Likes his video camera which he's had for 9 months "It looks cool and I love technical things with lot of buttons. I'd be really upset if we lost any of the film 'cause it's full of fond memories like the time we caught Tay snoozing at the studio." Once he sprained his ankle bad after falling out of a plum tree. He was climbing it and just fell out and tried to land on his feet. His ankle gave away and swelled up. (What was he doing in that tree...?) Once he wrote a love letter to a girl and Taylor was so disgusted with it he threw it in a fountain (*he he* Go Tay...) He wrote a letter to a friend that was a girl and Taylor ended it with 'I need you desperately'. I wonder what Ike had first. Hmm...
