When I read reviews of films I've seen, I sometimes wonder what planet these journalists are on. Just because a film comes from Hollywood, doesn't instantly mean it's low brow, fast food for the masses. Or, just because a film is made by some recluse from a foreign country, on a shoe-string budget, doesn't automatically make it a good film.
the Tigerbee home-pageMOVIE REVIEWS
My criteria for a good film is simple: if you're not being entertained, then you've wasted your money. If ANY piece of art/film/music can't move you (make you laugh, cry, scare the hell out of you, leave you with a sense of awe), it's not serving much of a purpose in exsisting.
I used to go to a lot of movie premieres, so why not do my own movie reviews? Hopefully it'll save you blowing your time & money on some lame ass film, or miss a great one, because of someone's in-accurate review again. But like most things in life, opinions are subjective.
(click on the following links to see reviews)
An amusing list of things you might notice the next time you see a film. MOVIE LOGIC